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No, why would you tip someone for doing their job?  My son does HVAC work and no one tips  him.  Sometimes he get offered fringe benefits from lady customers though.  I was amazed to hear how many times that happens.


Last week a repair man fixed my dishwasher under warranty. While he was here, I asked him about an older spare refrigerator that is not as cold as it should be.


He took a look at it and fixed it for me.  I gave him cash to fix it.  He got paid to fix the dishwasher by his employer and I paid him cash to fix the fridge.... no tip.

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We just had our master bathroom remodeled and European glass shower doors installed and it was very expensive. We love them and they did a great job but no I didn't tip the guys installing them. Our contractor suggested we use them and we did. We didn't feel the need to tip as we felt like it was part of the overall project that we contracted.

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I hate to have anything done by a so called professional because I have been burned so many times, let alone tip them.

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Depends.  I am unclear on a point. Did You pay that much for the Door and someone is coming just to install it for you?  If they do a good job, then, yes I would tip.  If it is part of a remodel and done truough a contractor you hired then, no.

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We usually tip .  When we built our new home 3 yrs ago we had to hsve everything  done , landscaping, window treatments, appliances installed etc.  we offered drinks as we least do anytime we hsve workers in.  Plus with the landscapers we bought them lunch, pizza and drinks as they were here all dAy plus the next day.


my DH even provides our ups man Steve a bottle of cold water.  He told him no one ever offered him a cold drink before and that he appreciates it summers are so hot.  



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For those type of jobs I only tip if they do something a little extra.  Some workers can be extremely messy and others go out of the way to clean up better than I would expect.  A deliveryman may go out of his way to put something in the exact location I want it, or move it for me.  In those instances I feel he has done more than I contracted for and feel better if I do express my gratitude with a tip.  For standard work, that is what they are paid for.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Please don't.  These are professional installers....they get paid well, and every person who tips...sets up a precedent for those of us who don't.  

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

I am going to put a tip jar on my desk...