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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@queendiva, Thank you. I know you are correct when hiring a realtor. Business before pleasure. I will not hire someone with an attitude. I think it is necessary both parties appreciate each other. Sincerely, Providence

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@ccassaday  I know it may sound like it, but its not her.  This poster said in another thread that she had a son.  151949 has no children.

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@Allegheny wrote:

@ccassaday  I know it may sound like it, but its not her.  This poster said in another thread that she had a son.  151949 has no children.



@Allegheny  @ccassaday  Also, when the other poster was trying to sell their house they would go to a neighbor's house when it was being shown.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

OP - If you can't leave during a showing it shouldn't sour the deal.  I looked at houses with the owner there and it didn't bother me.  However, I think you should let the realtor do the showing part and you can keep a low profile in one room in the house or on the patio or something.  It's only natural to want to talk about your home since you know everything there is to know about it, but it is a bad idea.  Just let the realtors do their thing.  Some people get in their car and park down the street waiting for the showing to end.  


If you don't want to provide a disclosure agreement until an offer is made and you are in compliance with state law, that is your right.

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

As a buyer I would be uncomfortable with sellers in earshot. However, so much is done by buyers on line, if they are there physically that’s a positive thing. At least I would turn on all lights and go to less important room- living room, sunroom, etc. . Let buyers get quality time in important rooms. Realtors don’t do realtor open houses much. They do open houses on Sunday for public. On line appearances and info is key.
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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@Kachina624, you are so right. I think many of us will remember the name TheBig 1 going forward. The woman obviously does not want to hear from anyone who might disagree with her many statements that fly in the face of accepted real estate sales procedures and practices. The vast majority of people asking for a comment or recommendation on this site are open minded and appreciative. Thankfully the ones like the OP are few and far between. I honestly had to laugh at her response to me! C'est la vie!!

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@Thebig I, your comments to people who have taken the time to respond to your post are very rude. Going forward, I would hope that you be upfront and ask only for responses from people who agree with your opinion. After reading the responses that others gave to you, including mine, not one person made a rude comment to you, nor did any of us deserve the caustic responses that you gave to each of us individually. I'll take the high road here and wish you well with the sale of your home.

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

[ Edited ]

Well actually that is at the heart of the matter for my husband, disability. The listing agent was fully inormed that we would be home during  showings, it was THE primary condition and discussed in full. In fact we made sure she felt comfortable with it. Now since she sits in her office and does nothing but send me brochures I expect her to educate whoever she sends over about the property. These agents are playing games and soon they will go the way of the travel agent. You do not need a legal disclosure to point out the features and benefits of a place. I expect the agent to be saying this is a a new appliance, this is a new door, this is a new roof. In other words to actually know what they are selling. Like so many they  are on autopilot just playing a game making assumptions. I will be glad to be done with it all   and sell it myself so I can actually tell the buyer what they are getting and its all good. 

Note to Karmie, sorry hon, you were wrong again, not once but twice.WIthin our HOA it is underpriced, the listing agent is very seasoned and I like her. You clearly didnt understand the problem and dont try to now because I wouldnt be able to take anything you said seriously. it makes me sick that people feel entitled to these huge comissions and dont even know where a light switch is, thats despicable and very presumptious. To think we have firefighters risking their lives  doing their work, and then a real estate agent comes along and acts entitle to a huge commission for doing nothing. No wonder we are strugglling as a  country with everything so lopsided. But thank you all for your sharing of your experiences. I guess agents once they make their money dont really care if you get sued because they were so vague.   I hope you and janniebelle run along now. The homeowners here  helped me much more.  

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

Thank you Snoop, I am afraid the realtors here took this and really ran with it, creating some picture that was not true. I only interefered one time, when she started taking them down the basement stairs in the dark without turning the lights on, because she didnt know where they were. Seems to me she could have shown up a few minutes early to learn the property. I hate sloopy work and people that have that attitude the more they throw out there something will stick. I have no problem with a disclosure statement in the hands of competent person at the proper time.

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

During our last (hopefully will be our last) home selling/buying adventure, we listed our home with a local real estate person.... as I found out later, it was a person from our church.... He did a fantastic job with our listing... went the extra mile promoting our property... many, many pictures, etc... there was one time, though, he thought his office had contacted me about a showing....him and this young couple arrived at my door... I visited with them for a few minutes and then went outside (luckily it was a nice day) and worked in my flowerbed.... they had a few questions and came to find me for answers....

they were impressed with the house and made a quick offer.... unfortunately, they were unable to get the financing.... so, things happen unexpectedly when listing a home.... nothing seems to be in your control, but you have to go with the flow..

We ended up selling our home to a veteran... (that's another story dealing with the VA..i.e.:. inspections, after inspections, etc...)..who had been looking in our area for two years for an affordable home...

My point is, things happen when you least expect it when selling/buying  a home...not all agents have just one listing they're dealing with...many have several and I can see where they wouldn't know exactly where a light switch was, etc at one particular property.....just know they are on your side ..doesn't matter if they get big commissions or not (these could be few and far between and that's how they make their living) ... as long as they work with you and not against you... as far as a disclosure, I, myself, was happy to offer it early on, if that would help sell my property... I didn't want it to sit on the market for 2-3 years like others close by..... we sold in 10 days...