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I like them as long as they look nice.   

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@RedTop wrote:

I like them as long as they look nice.   


Therein lies the problem. I like them too until they turn a kind of dirty gray. 

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Re: Popcorn Ceiling

[ Edited ]

@Twins Mom 

We had a Spanish Lace ceiling applied in our kitchen. We had a water leak.  I have to say it is much easier to clean than a popcorn ceiling. Our bedrooms and bathrooms all have popcorn ceilings..... but for looks and cleaning the Spanish Lace is much easier to clean and looks  better, imo. My first preference, however, would be beadboard, ship lap, or wood.... but it would probably be quite expensive these days.


This is what  Spanish Lace looks like:

KL Drywall LLC

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I would remove popcorn ceilings or anything textured on the walls before moving in if I came across either. Really dislike both, and that's an understatement! I have plaster walls & ceilings, all flat smooth surfaces, in my home. That's my preference.
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I don't have popcorn ceilings but I don't hate them.

I would prefer not to have them but it is so messy and time consuming to remove them. If I bought a house that had them and wanted them removed I would do it when the house was empty..pre move in. I would probably not remove them if my house did have them.....I hate messy house jobs!

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That is a nice look for a ceiling if I were starting out from scratch.  Adds interest.

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I am in the process of getting the popcorn removed from all the ceilings in house...tough to find someone and super expensive. Good news is they now use a machine that they slide over the ceiling and it scrapes off the popcorn and catches it in a bag underneath the scraper. No mess on the floor. The popcorn is an instant turnoff for homebuyers here; it is dated and can't compete with homes without it. Maybe it's not frowned upon where you live....every are seems to be different. I am just tired of looking at it also. 

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The tool you describe sounds ideal and if effective makes John so much simpler. 

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In my house there are textured ceilings I would describe as small curd cottage cheese -- not popcorn. They were painted several years ago by a professional painter and still look good. He had special tools and tricks of his profession to do the job.


In the kitchen we removed a large grill hood and decided to just remove the texture and smooth coat the ceiling rather than try to match the texture. It's a bit bumpy in a few areas and is not perfect. Should have put up all new drywall but the budget was tight. Maybe someday I'll address it, or not. I'm really the only one who notices.


The texture doesn't bother me, and it stays clean. I like the acoustics, too!

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LIke fashion, music etc., design is personal taste.  If you like popcorn ceilings than so be it.  I don't follow trends or fads, I follow what I love, makes me happy and comfortable.  We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to homes and that is fine.