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Am having all popcorn finish in my ceilings removed in ten days. $15k and worth every penny. No one can sell a home with popcorn finishes on ceiling now..even in this market. It is considered dated and out of fashion now. 

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Most reputable companies will cover and tape before removing the popcorn and clean up thoroughly afterwards. If not, they don't get their full payment. There is also a machine some use to remove the popcorn but it is super expensive and the only contractors I found that use it do mostly large commercial spaces.

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Mant people are doing some updating of their homes and staying put rather than spending a fortune on another home in the current market. Much less expensive to update where you are and ride out the storm. The prices are insane in my area.

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@Snowpuppy  I also put glow in the dark stars in my boys' bedroom when they were young. It is a spare room now, but the stars are still there.

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Re: Popcorn Ceiling

[ Edited ]

We are now in day three of the popcorn removal on our ceilings. Now just 2400 sq ft....It is a messy job even with the machine they are using. Piles of the popcorn everywhere...the machine scrapes it off but doesn't catch all of it...Looks so good now that it is off our 44 year old ceilings. Very labor-intensive. Next is new taping and then a slight texture...for acoustics... and then paint. If you love popcorn ceilings, that's great. We feel like in this economy, anything we do to improve or update our home is a good investment. 

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

We are now in day three of the popcorn removal on our ceilings. Now just 2400 sq ft....It is a messy job even with the machine they are using. Piles of the popcorn everywhere...the machine scrapes it off but doesn't catch all of it...Looks so good now that it is off our 44 year old ceilings. Very labor-intensive. Next is new taping and then a slight texture...for acoustics... and then paint. If you love popcorn ceilings, that's great. We feel like in this economy, anything we do to improve or update our home is a good investment. 



I feel the same way. Fortunately we don't have popcorn ceilings but our master bath is thirty years old and we're having a complete renovation done to it next month.  Of course we're getting the bedroom done as floors, paint and crown molding. 


I can't wait!

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You can like it or not, but it does decrease a home's value, just like old fashioned paneled walls, or other dated (not timeless) home features. It's just reality.

I'm sure it's a mess to remove, even with proper equipment.
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Our home was built in 1987.  We have textured ceilings.  They are a sea sponge pattern and are unobtrusive.  Perhaps because our wall colors are a shade of white.


I am so accustomed to looking at them, I don't think I would like a flat ceiling.   Now, a heavy popcorn pattern is a look I don't care for.  But I say to each their own.

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My previous house was built in 1996 and it had popcorn ceilings. When they are new and clean it is not so bad. But after a few years dust accumulates on the popcorn and it and looks dirty.  You cannot clean it without knocking off popcorn all over the place. It's a mess. 

Moved into a new house in 2018 and thank goodness my ceilings are smooth and clean. I don't think they use that treatment anymore on ceilings in new homes. I was told that builders used popcorn because it is cheaper in labor costs to spray it on the ceilings than to use sheetrock mud and tape. Most of the people that I know who had popcorn ceilings have had it removed.

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We have textured ceilings, but not popcorn. They don't bother me at all. As far as being out of style, I don't care, as we're most likely staying in this house until we die. I'd rather spend money on things like new windows, HVAC, appliances when they break, etc.