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New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

New Arrivals on QVC.  Search Martha Stewart to see them. 

Nice to see the choices expand, and she has some different than usual candle colors.


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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

The commercials they have been showing with her new candles look great too.  Refreshing choices - I'm sure they will be a hit!

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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

They indeed look very interesting, but seem so expensive to me.

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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

The beeswax are very pretty, but I won't be buying. Luminara prices are high enough without having MS prices added.


Speaking by someone, who right now, has 20 Luminara on the main floor on display lighting up every night. My house could be a cathedral..

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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

The lanterns don't do much for me - I bought a bunch of the Luminara Windor lanterns on clearance earlier this year. But I really like her sets that come in multiple colors. I love the green. Hmmmm.

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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

@SHOPR, I absolutely do not need another “Luminara-ish” candle or any flameless candle as well as lanterns, period!  However, I could be persuaded on the square candles.  I love the lantern I ordered from HSN today.  It is so much better than the small Luminara lanterns with the bad reviews recently offered on CIJ.  





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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

Does anyone think the new Bedford Grey is a warmer gray? Or is it my wishful thinking? Cat Wink


I could possibly use this set if the gray is warm but will wait to see what Martha says about it.  I just noticed that her candle show is tomorrow 7/20."-Flameless-Wax-Candle-Pillars-Set.product.H21661...



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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

I like that these are in MS colors, but I wish they had red because I like the 360º shape and I need some red ones for the holidays.

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎05-28-2013

Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

Martha's candles, at least what I have seen so far, look really nice and are not the standard fare. I have been considering Luminara for a while, actually, but the price has stopped me in my tracks so far. I like Martha's stuff, so I look forward to seeing her show. Smiley Happy 

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Re: New Luminara Candles & Lanterns by Martha Stewart

I really like the bee hives.  But, I think $85 + shipping is incredibly expensive.

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