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Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

into the 29th.  Wonder what it will be this time? Smiley Happy

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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

Geez. Don't get me wrong, I love my Luminara things, but they have had a TSV about once a month for the last half of this year it seems!


I certainly hope it is something really different, and not a set of boring, plain, smooth, odd shades and color candles again. And as much as I love lanterns, even that is getting old with them. 


Now I'm dying to know what it is!!

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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

Really hard to find anything fresh from Luminara anywhere.  I have looked online to multiple places and it is all the same.  Am sending back on Monday some wax pillar candles from Luminara that I purchased at PotteryBarn online....just not the quality I wanted for the price paid even on sale.


Let's see if they come up with something new! 



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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

I recently bought a 5" & 7" 360 degree seashell & starfish embedded Luminara candles at BBB and they also have new Birch Luminara candles, that I'll pick up Wednesday.


I have a very 'beachy'' home (I live on an island, near the beach) and just love the seashell ones!


Using their coupons, makes the price comparable to here, when you also factor in no shipping.


BBB also has the new Luminaras with the scent cartridges, which are sold out here.


I also hope the TSV is something unique from Luminara, no set of 6 plain candles and no more lanterns!



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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

The snowflake Luminara candles here from the Q I have and like very much. Wish they would do more in this this what you would consider the 360 degree candle?

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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

@motherinlaw wrote:

The snowflake Luminara candles here from the Q I have and like very much. Wish they would do more in this this what you would consider the 360 degree candle?


@motherinlaw  A 360 allows the flame to be seen from all sides.

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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

I've been picking up flameless candles at Home Goods, TJ  Maxx, etc., and even though they don't have the "flame" they have been really nice. I just can't bring myself to pay Luminara prices anymore. 

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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

This thread is timely for me.  My son has a new apartment and I went online to buy him a couple of Luminara candles.  There was nada available except red in one set and green and blue in another.  I didn't realize they had just had a TSV.  I couldn't find Luminara anywhere but finally bougtht them in BB&B...2 five inch for $59 minus their 20%.  I wanted 7" also but none available.


Do you think they are going out of business?  I am willing to pay because I really lilke the flame. 

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Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

Hi LexPex: Go to  They have Luminiara candles but under the name Premium Flicker Flameless candles.  I have purchased from them recently for my boys for Christmas/Birthday and they are great....bigger selection too.

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎03-07-2014

Re: Luminara TSV...November 28 Midnight....

I THINK the 11/28 TSV may be a set of the new candles with the fragrance diffuser.  I may be wrong though!