56 sq meters is 603 feet--thanks alexa-- I am living in 903 sq feet now with my DD. Yes I think I could do it---if there was lots of storage which is possible . think the spaces are put together nicely and i do love the furnishings/colors. I think the colors are a huge part of making this space feel larger. Would need as much light as possible tho. been seeing alot of furniture and appliances that are built for small spaces too--
The 56 square meters are equal to 602.7 square feet. If an event caused me to have to live in that small of a space, I'm sure I could. However, it's not a living space size that I would choose.
Six hundred Sq ft is roomy for the homes classified as "tiny houses". They can be as little as 200 Sq ft but they're very ingeniously designed to take advantage of every inch of spece.