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Re: Kitchen Faucet Opinions Needed

@jlkz wrote:

It may be possible to cover up the two outlying holes with some type of metal " button "

Ye, there are buttoms out there but I'm trying not too use them or if I have to then only one.  Right now I have a 5 piece...the faucet, 2 handles, soap dispenser and sprayer.  I have two sets of those because I have two sinks.  I also have a smaller set up on the island (3 piece).  The problem I'm haivng if finding a faucet in bronze, then all the pieces I need (a soap dispenser for example).  

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Re: Kitchen Faucet Opinions Needed

recently replaced a kitchen countertop at our second home. we chose quartz countertops and a single faucet that has the automatic on and off if you wave your hand near it. LOVE IT so much more than a two handle faucet. i was upset when we could not do the same thing with our mini bar sink. nothing available and we wanted to keep the same bowl which had 3 holes, so i had to go with a new 3 hole faucet. i wish i had changed it out though.


in our kitchen at home and our mini bar sink we just replaced our single faucets this week due to a leak in the hose portion of the pull down at our kitchen sink. it came with the matching dishwashing soap pump. delta





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Re: Kitchen Faucet Opinions Needed

Wanting a specific finish like Bronze tends to limit your options. I've used the three-hole and the single-stem ones and I don't really have a preference. As long as water flows when I want it to and not when I don't want it to, I'm happy.


One of the things I've found though is that you don't necessarily get what you pay for in faucets. My cheapest faucets always seem to outlast my more expensive ones. My current kitchen faucet cost all of $19.97 at Walmart maybe fifteen years ago, and is still working fine, no drips, no issues. It replaced a much more expensive faucet from a major brand name that was nothing but trouble. The same with my bathroom faucet. This one was $30 at Home Depot and the one it replaced was $169 (also at Home Depot) and was nothing but trouble. This one's maybe 20 years old and no issues at all. 

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Re: Kitchen Faucet Opinions Needed

We replaced our kitchen faucet and got one of the "buttons" to cover up a hole.  It looks fine and is the same color as my counter top. 

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Re: Kitchen Faucet Opinions Needed

Since you asked and I'm being totally honest, yes a plate or those buttons to cover holes in countertops do look dated and out of place. I say this having had one of those button covers in my old kitchen because at the time I couldn't afford a new countertop or find something to fill the hole in the counter i liked. So I've been there (but hated it).

If you want a true "high end" or even a "finished" look- than make sure all the holes (if you're not replacing the countertop) are filled with something. Google is your friend, and a simple search can find a myriad of 5 piece sets as you had asked about. In multiple finishes. Even Home Depot & Lowes have these sets if you don't have access to speciality hardware stores in your area & you want to see them in person.
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Re: Kitchen Faucet Opinions Needed

A separate issue I guess but if I had three sinks in the kitchen I think I'd want all of the hardware to match. 

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