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Re: How do you clean your garage???

In baby steps. My hubby won't get rid of anything of his own free will, lol. I did get him started last Fall, for a brief period of time and we got rid of some of it. Last week I went out and stacked all the old paint cans up and made an appointment with the hazardous waste disposal site to take all that to them this coming Wednesday. That alone cleared off a shelving unit that I am sure he will rapidly fill up with something. It's a never ending thing.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: How do you clean your garage???

My husband as his own garage, he takes care of that.

In our house garage, years ago, I bought some heavy duty steel shelves. Then I bought large blue tubs for storage. Large green ones for Christmas things. Our garage has AC and heat, so I don't have to worry what I keep in there.

All the tubs have labels for what is inside.

Everything is on a shelf, so it is easy to sweep and keep clean.

For me, keeping it organized helps to keep it clean.

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Re: How do you clean your garage???

every year in april our city has a ""city wide clean up"" for two weeks and that is when i clean out our garage and the room under it that we use for storage right now. we are going to convert it into my office but until then it holds all his ""stuff"". i have learned to pick my battles and i don't bother with it until they roll the big dumpsters out for everyone to use. he is not about to keep it organized the way i do so i just leave it alone. he will have a large storage room built in the backyard and then i won't have to deal with it anymore!

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Re: How do you clean your garage???

Sorry, I laughed out loud at the title of this thread!

For real? Clean the garage? LOL!

I have been here 30 years, and I have just enough space to back my car in and get out to walk into the house. That is where MY foot goes down. Do NOT put cr*ap in my parking "spot", pile it to the ceiling, but my spot is MINE! haha

I can't believe I am not alone. That makes me happy. Sometimes I feel like such a loser, because no one comes in or goes out of my house without going through my garage. (It is 1.5 car width, so there is a walkway down the attached side to get in and into the kitchen).

I find myself saying "Oh hi, come on in! Please close your eyes until you get to the kitchen". {}

I know if my front doorbell rings, it is a stranger, and someone I probably don't want to see, so it works out.

But clean it? Meh, it will just fill up again. I agree with whoever posted garages have some sort of mega-magnet {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How do you clean your garage???

On 6/21/2014 annabellethecat said:

casuallady, why? I guess I mean, thanks. I need friends.

I guess I like the way that you accept life the way it comes. If that makes sense.

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Registered: ‎08-13-2013

Re: How do you clean your garage???

Before I went to Missouri a friend and I had gone through the garage together and sorted what would go to the Salvation Army and whay would be kept and the rest went to the dump. My garage is very clean and I can park my car now. Life is good.
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Registered: ‎06-08-2012

Re: How do you clean your garage???

We decided to paint the ceiling and walls of the garage, so we had to clean it too! Once we got rid of the outgrown yard toys, broken beyond repair old bikes, planters and pots that sat unused for years, scrap wood and other useless stuff we had lots of room. There is nothing in there that can be easily stored in the house (Christmas décor for example).

We think vertical. More shelving attached firmly on the walls and the garden tools off the floor on hooks. Bikes are hung on hooks in the ceiling during the winter. All tools in one corner and cabinets along one wall for yard and car care. We 'clean as we go', meaning once something is used, it gets put right back in its place. I wash the curtains twice a year, in spring and fall.

We recently put a utility sink in the garage. I don't even know how we got along without it before!