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How do you clean your garage???

Our garage is a mess. Hubby says that he will do it. It always looks better, but most of the stuff still there just rearranged. I would like to help him, and remove everything, and then clean windows walls,... Then decide the arrangement, perhaps throw out the old shelves and rusted cabinet, and buy a small cabinet, or storage thing. I am sure there is lots to take down,...

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Re: How do you clean your garage???

I used to allow my DH to care for his garage - when we sold our home after living there 28 years it took him 2 months of working out there every day to get that garage cleaned up. So now , in our new home I am more proactive about keeping his gargae clean. Usually if I start working out there he will join in - i'm sure he is afraid i will throw away something of his.It's much more of a hassle with him there but what can I do - he's retired so he is always there.

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Re: How do you clean your garage???

We only have a carport in our current home, but two years ago I cleaned out our shed and would do the same thing if we had a garage. I waited for a nice day and sat everything outside. I purchased six origami shelving units (they are the bomb!) and set them up. Sat a garbage can outside the door and began bringing things in organizing into paint, etc. as I went. If I didn't know what something was, in the trash it went. I actually love doing this sort of thing. Our neighbor has a garage (no cars can fit in even though they have four), it is filled and stacked clear to where the door closes. I would love to get in there, but he is apparently a packrat and I'm certain he wouldn't want to part w/ anything.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: How do you clean your garage???

It usually begins with a lot of swearing!

I can tidy up the garage (ours is attached, and the main way we enter the house when coming home and pulling the car in) every day, but my son and husband think that gravity in that area is twice as strong as the rest of the earth. Everything hits the floor. There is a shoe rack, but shoes on the floor, There is a recycle bin, and stuff lying around it, there is a wastebasket, with more around it than in it, there is a work bench, and stuff on the floor around it, there is a hamper for their greasy work clothes, and guess what, yep, clothes on the floor around it.

I certainly can't explain the science of it , but garage floors really have a tendency to "pull" things toward them unlike any other floor in our lives.

I don't seem to have this problem in the rest of the house (ok, maybe a little bit with the teenage son, but nothing like that #%@@ garage floor.

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Re: How do you clean your garage???

DH cleans the garage and he just did it last week on a rainy day. The only thing I do is wash the curtains and clean the windows and on occasion sweep the garage floor.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: How do you clean your garage???

I love to get the garage cleaned. Spring doesn't officially begin until it gets done. (kidding) We pull everything out onto the driveway, then scrub the floor with Simple Green. I love the smell and it works great to clean off salt stains from winter. When it's dry we put everything back in, wiping it off and discarding unused items . The final step is to put down a new runner all the way across the width of the garage, that way you can run out in bare feet to grab water/pop. I purchase the runner at home depot , they cut it to how many feet you need. Usually $30 investment each year-I love it. Relatives mock us how clean our garage is, but I think they're jealous!
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Re: How do you clean your garage???

We don't.

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Re: How do you clean your garage???

We just had our garage floor power washed and sealed. We drove through a lot of road salt this winter, and saw signs of pitting getting started in the cement floor.

My husband's work bench, though, is one area that needs an over-haul. We have worked out a truce, though, that as long as he doesn't try to re-organize my work-space, the kitchen, again, I won't go out there and rearrange every hammer, screw-driver and pair of pliers he has. {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
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Re: How do you clean your garage???

On 6/21/2014 LDenise said: I love to get the garage cleaned. Spring doesn't officially begin until it gets done. (kidding) We pull everything out onto the driveway, then scrub the floor with Simple Green. I love the smell and it works great to clean off salt stains from winter. When it's dry we put everything back in, wiping it off and discarding unused items . The final step is to put down a new runner all the way across the width of the garage, that way you can run out in bare feet to grab water/pop. I purchase the runner at home depot , they cut it to how many feet you need. Usually $30 investment each year-I love it. Relatives mock us how clean our garage is, but I think they're jealous!

I can't speak for you relatives, but I am surely jealous! Please come give a seminar to my husband!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How do you clean your garage???

I've never had to "clean the garage". DH is the King of the Neatnicks. He noticed a small stain on the flow yesterday. It is gone now. All tools are hung neatly on matching hooks. Ladders on hooks hanging on their sides. The garbage can is usually washed out once a week to make sure there is no odor. Cars are washed at least once a week (even in the winter). He keeps a small battery operated blower near the door so that if anything is tracked in it gets blown out right away. Bugs fear him - dried leaves in the fall blow away from our house. The man is a robot when it comes to clutter.

I do not allow him in or near my office!!

BTW, my former husband (now deceased) was a Prince of the Packrats. Life was far more cluttered then, and I never saw the garage floor. I don't know for sure which I prefer.