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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

[ Edited ]

I grew up on "This Old House". What I loved (and my dad) was that it showed the real time, if you will, as one house took months to complete (depending on the job). No drama or dramatic music when something went wrong; they didn't hid it. I also enjoyed meeting and learning about the craftspeople that were often needed for a job because to restore some homes, the craftsmanship is part of the beauty and you can't buy it at a hardware store.


What I realized as an adult was the COST of remodeling those homes...definitely for those with money. For whatever reason, I have always preferred that show over the ones that have been on for the past decade.


DIY is great but I don't have the time or the resources to do what I would really want to do. Hiring a pro is expensive so....the majority of projects just sit and are looked upon as "someday". 

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

DIY was never 'in' with me... I have no desire to do it myself... Woman Wink


As for the shows, I think the whole DIY thing has more or less morphed into 'repurposing' projects, you know, making junk out of junk, which I'm also not interested in doing...



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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

hGtv, i believe stood for house and GARDEN tv.  Now there are no gardening shows so I have lost interest.  House is in great shape and putter around every day.  Remembering Paul James, the Gardener Guy and A Gardener's Diary with Erica GlasenerHeart

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

@avid shopper


One of my favorites was "Curb Appeal".

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

I know some folks are excellent at DYI and I will tackle small fix it jobs, but the problem with many DYI projects is the results sometimes do not hold up, and frankly, look very DYI.  Everything my SIL and her sisters did started to discolor, flake, peel, crumble, wobble, or fall apart after awhile.  If it’s major work, I want an experienced person I know is bonded and insured. And I am not a bossy shrew, but if it’s friend or family helping out, how do you insist it be done again until it’s right without becoming a bossy shrew...

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

My husband and I did things ourselves before there was even a name given to it. Smiley Tongue

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

I had enough DIY growing up to NEVER want to do that again.  My mother was the queen of DIY and I hated it.  It was sort of fun at the time, but things never turned out just the way they should to my critical eye.


Since I've grown up, hire a pro is the word of the day.  

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

After trying multiple DYI projects that never turned out quite right, the mantra now is "hire a professional".

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

We began DIY projects with our first home in 1972. We were just out of college, had moved to a state away from our family and friends due to DH's job and purchased our first home as newlyweds. It was a cute three-bedroom range with attached garage, but it had zero personality! We began by ripping out the carpet, wallpaper and a small wall in the kitchen. It was fun! DH had helped his dad with projects while growing up and was a great painter, so that was the first project. He painted the interior, which made a huge difference. We had new carpet installed. We sanded down the kitchen cupboards and restained them. Lovely! We began landscaping and planting shrubs . . . I was having the time of my life. Realized the house didn't have any downspouts; just gutters leading to space. DH went to Lowe's for the correct information and brought home the materials to install the downspouts. They worked the first time it rained. 

We sold that house in one year and made a lot of money. We were hooked on the fix 'em up and sell 'em fast. We did the same thing with the second and third houses. My husband was transferred to the East Coast. We bought a lovely, charming old home with great bones. It simply needed redecorating and flower beds cleaned out and replanted. This was MY project . . . and became our favorite home. Leaded glass windows on the built-in china cabinets in the dining room. Leaded glass windows throughout the upper portions of accent windows throughout the house. Mahagony woodwork in immaculate condition. Sterling silver doorknobs, outlet covers,, etc. I redecorated the home and updated the yard. This was a place worthy of parties and entertaining often - and we did! Several years later, another transfer. Crushed, I put the home up for sale "By Owner". Of course if sold within a couple of days like our other homes had done.

We've never loved a home like that one since. We've never wanted to DIY again. Perhaps age and financial independence play a part, but we had FUN in those early years. That gorgeous home spoiled us. We agreed to hire professionals when we moved from that home. It was too painful to leave so much of us behind in a home, community and neighbors we had literally fallen in love with! <sob> 

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Re: Home DIY - did it go out of fashion or did I just get old?

I think there have always been those that DIY out of necessity or desire to create, and those that want it done, no fuss, no muss. 


In past generations, many people were out in the job market sans post secondary education, making less money, and needing to do more for themselves, taking longer to advance financially. 


If the network's programming can be believed, many many people at much younger ages, have much more money and better jobs (and educations) than their parents and grandparents did, and seem to want to have that mega home that it would have taken other generations several decades to achieve.


I never watched those shows, but I guess like everything else they ran their course. If it is like most things, they will have a come back at some time in the future. If it can happen with fashion and home decor, hopefully it will happen with the programming on those channels as well.