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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

That room would drive me nuts.  It just looks so uneven / unbalanced.


Makes me dizzy just looking at the pic!

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

This 'gallery' doesn't work for me at all. Too many small pieces, too many colors and many of them are crooked... I'd take them down and go with something else... I don' like the coffee table much either, but the 'gallery' ruins what could be a somewhat nice looking seating area...

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel


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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

The room is very nice - of course, a few exceptions:  the frames as designed make it too crowded around the mantel & that rug just doesn't fit the room.


The sofas look comfy & I do like the fireplace & the placement of the furniture.  The wall color fits the style.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

Ugh.  Any room with a fireplace deserves so much better than this.  The "artwork" looks like postage stamps stuck on the wall.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

I love the sofas because they would be great for informal entertaining, but, the pictures are ill placed, and the mantel just overwhelms the space. Perhaps a scaled back mantel with a larger, single piece of artwork on either side, with just a few pics placed above the mantel would be more attractive.



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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

I like every thing except the multiples of pictures. They are very distracting. so I don't like it. The couches are nice and I like the mantle  but not with all the frames surrounding it.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

The pictures look like they were just dashed up there!  They look a mess and spoil the whole look of the room.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

The entire room is a no for me.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

It's the two couches that don't work for me in this room.