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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

I don't like the frames around the mantel at all. I think the room lacks balance.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

I don't care for the way they've hung the pictures at all.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

@lolakimono wrote:

Image may contain: living room, table and indoor

It's a no for me...The couches look like shipping crates.  Just too big...they crowd the room.  The pictures don't work for me either.  Guess it's just a matter of personal preference.  

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

Can't find anything positive about this room as hard as I try

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

[ Edited ]

Something is way off here.  Don't care for the frames and they are arranged so wierdly.  It looks like someone just threw them up there. 


Don't care for the room at all.  Maybe the low ceiling?  The sofas are too big for the room and it seems so cold.  Can't put my finger on it.  Makes me want to turn and run Smiley Happy

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

Yes to the rug and the fireplace, everything else needs reflection and replacement, especially the pictures.  I'd empty the room except for the rug and bring some large green foliage into the room as it seems sterile and compressed.  With the right furniture, lighting, wall decor, and could be rescued. 



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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

I do not like the pictures, or really the room at all.

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

Not liking this room. The fireplace & artwork emphasize the low ceiling. The sofas & table are ok, but their scale makes the room look small and crowded. Seems strange to cluster all the art on one wall and leave the other 2 so bare. 

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Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

Looks like 70s decor

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Gilded Frames Around a Mantel

Looks like a basement.........and where is the lighting?

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