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Re: Does it really look that bad?

Honey, you have to do what you have to do!Smiley Happy


Hope those guests helped too!

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

I think for everyday use the plastic is perfect.  I love your table cloth -  it's great.  I might take off the plastic if I had guests but that's just me.   I would not think anything really if I was at someones elses  house and they had plastic on the table cloth.  

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

Personally I would never use a plastic topping over such a beautiful tablecloth.  Why not use placemats instead that could be flipped over for the second round of guests.  JMHO

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

@bonappetit wrote:

Image result for people's living room furniture covered in plastic to keep it looking new

@bonappetit   LOL!  This brings me back to the early 1960s.  My mother was good friends with a woman who had her living room sofa & chairs looking like this!...not only the furniture but she had plastic walkways (so you didn't walk on the carpet too!  haha!


However I don't think the table covering is that's temporary and can be quickly removed when no one is eating.

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

Don’t pay attention to what anyone says..... it looks great! ... enjoy it 😃

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

In my humble opinion it looks tacky. Sorry, that doesn't mean you shouldn't use it for convenience.

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

@house_cat ,


I, too, use vintage holiday tablecloths and I understand your dilemma. I have to be honest and say I do not care for the vinyl over your tablecloth. Perhaps if it was more matte and adhered better to the tablecloth it would look better, and not be so noticeable.


Enjoy your many happy memories of holidays past using your tablecloth, covered up or not.



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Re: Does it really look that bad?

No, the plastic needs to go----if you don't want to use it when you have company, maybe hang it up to display it somewhere---tablecloths are made to be messed upon at dinner---and then pre treated , washed and dried. It is very nice but sounds like alot of maintenance and worry for you-----I am over all that and opt for easy cleaning. and I can't remember the last time I ironed anything Woman Indifferent

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Re: Does it really look that bad?

To put it gently, it's not a good look. If you purchase something that is too "dear" for your budget, perhaps you shouldn't purchase it. Use, love, your heirs will most likely won't love it or keep it. Enjoy. Life is short.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Does it really look that bad?

[ Edited ]

Personally I would not do that.  If I invite guests to my home, I want them to feel comfortable and welcomed - and not feel as if I am terrified they'll "ruin" something.  JMO I think our home is to be enjoyed and lived in.


It's a very pretty tablecloth!