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ID2 - so sorry if the idea of a dish drainer is so distasteful to you - what a silly response about something that many many of us still use, for various reasons.


My rating of your answer is: YUK!

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I have a dishwasher and use it everyday.  Occasionally, I do have to wash a few things by hand.  


i wash them and put them on a  fabric washable dish mat.  I dry with paper towels.


 A dish drainer is too much work to keep clean.  I would have to really sterilize it after every use for my comfort.  If I used one, I'd probably clean it in the dishwasher as I do sponges, the sink saddle and the sink SS grids.

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I use a dishwasher ~

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Sounds like a lot of you are suffering from dish drainer phobia..........

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Posts: 20,760
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

@nana59 wrote:

Sounds like a lot of you are suffering from dish drainer phobia..........

You are probably right.  I saw a program on TV that showed that a dish drainer along with other household items harbored more germs than a toilet.


Now, I know there is no way to prevent all of those germs, but I got so grossed out and well, I really don't need an excuse to use my dishwasher.   I hate washing dishes by hand.

Super Contributor
Posts: 440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Thanks for all the replies. I went to Costco today and I bought a really nice stainless steel drainer from Kitchenaid. I am pleased with how it looks. It matches the appliances. Not at all bad looking. My kitchen gets used constantly. My hubby is a very, very good cook and is always doing something in the kitchen, so a drainer is more convenient for us because our kitchen gets used a lot
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@Carmie wrote:

@nana59 wrote:

Sounds like a lot of you are suffering from dish drainer phobia..........

You are probably right.  I saw a program on TV that showed that a dish drainer along with other household items harbored more germs than a toilet.


Now, I know there is no way to prevent all of those germs, but I got so grossed out and well, I really don't need an excuse to use my dishwasher.   I hate washing dishes by hand.

Back in my very early days of housekeeping, I had a dish drainer. I would use it to hold the clean dishes on the counter top, just long enough to dry and put them away. Then I would blot off the wet, and put the drainer under the kitchen sink (took up a ton of room!).


After awhile, I noticed it was really gross and yucky. Didn't make sense, as it wasn't out and wet all day sitting in the sink, and only held clean dishes. 


Well, the added work of having to clean it on occasion, and the space it took up made it a no brainer for me. Just another 'thing' complicating a very simple process. Wash, dry, put away the dishes, and skip one more useless space taker.

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Registered: ‎09-23-2010

I use the bottom rack of my DW to drain large pots,cookie sheets I hand wash.Easy peasy