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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Went to basement cabinet which holds things that I might use in home.  Pulled a Pyrex casserole with teak stand that has never been used, an ice cream maker for the freezer that has probably been used once, a couple of mugs, a glass pedestal cake stand, and a couple of tartlet  molds.  Tomorrow I decide how many lunch bags and insulated bags I need, since I found a slew.  I also found two Stanley thermos.  My dad always went to work with his thermos of hot tea.  Price on box was less than $15.  What comes to mind when I say Stanley now?😂

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

When we were cleaning a closet, I found five new tops in a suitcase. I remember putting them there because they were mediums, and I'll never be a medium again. The quality was great (all QVC brands like Indigo Moon and Sports Savvy). I noticed that my neighbor takes walks, and thought she might use the tees in summer, and turtlenecks in fall. She's going to use them. If they fit me, I would have kept them, but I need to be realistic and get rid of what doesn't fit.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@KathyM23 wrote:

@rnmom I can sure understand your frustration.  Seems like DH is working hard at de-cluttering at his mom's and but the result is adding clutter to yours.


Maybe instead if just making comments and biting your tongue, you and DH could have a serious talk about his decluttering method and how it is affecting you.  .  Such as instead of bringing home and storing it for later, many things are obvious trash or donate at first glance and do so immediately instead of adding to the stored stash  Perhaps you could make some of the decisions about which items to store, trash or donate.  I bet  you would be more objective about these decisions.  DH is trying to get it done the quick way and causing a mess that will be a problem later. 


Anyway that is how I would handle it at this point.  His mother's needs to be decluttered but not at the cost of too much useless clutter at yours.


@KathyM23 - When he first started helping his mom and bringing things home we went thru it together and decided what to keep, trash and donate and he was getting rid of it rather quickly. Sometimes he wouldn't even bring it home and he'd take it right from her house to the donation site. I think because he was bringing home so much, bags and bags in his truck at one time, it was easier to do.


Now he's back to work and there's not a lot coming in, she just gives him a few things at a time here and there when he is there so he just brings it home and plops it down somewhere. And more of the stuff is personal so he takes it. But he usually leaves it sitting out somewhere which drives me nutso, I hate looking at stuff sitting out, so then I stuff it away out of sight and the hidden away spaces are getting congested. 


I know he is busy and it's just not a priority for him, it doesn't bother him like it bothers me. I'll mention it when I know he has some free time. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@magicmoodz wrote:

Oh my! Sounds like many of you are continuing to make great headway in decluttering! 


My own efforts have been minimal, My sisters were here the other day and and between them I "unloaded" 5 pieces of clothing--all new with tags. I think I suffer from identity issues, having bought things that just aren't "me". Needless to say they were happy to be on the receiving end and was delighted to be on the unloading end!




I am always reluctant to make recommendations in today's world because quality can certainly decline. I checked every Anthropologie store near me and none of them have the dishtowels we discussed. I guess I will have to place an order (maybe they will have a free shipping day soon). 




Growing up my mom always adhered to a cleaning schedule, but then she never worked outside the home. I don't think I am disciplined enough to stick to a schedule, but maybe a list of things that must be accomplished every week and crossing them off as they are done. 




I am sending you a cyber hug.💕 I sense you are carrying frustration for your home and out-buildings being used as a storage locker for items from your mother-in-law's place. Since hubby seems to be more motivated when you join him, do you think it might help if you schedule some time to work together kind of evaluating items as to their usefulness, need or could they be donated/disposed of? I know just going through his clothing/shoes, my husband is more motivated and appreciates my validation that he is making good decisions (and of course I nudge him in the direction I want him to take😀). 


I saw a picture of a holiday wall hanging that I "think" will replace a tree this year. It was a big tree branch painted white hanging on the wall vertically with various ornaments and greenery hanging from jute all the way across. Always marching to my own drummer I don't usually decorate in reds/greens and found ornaments in copper, gold, and ivory. With my luck I will buy all this stuff and, well, you know... 




@magicmoodz - Thank you! Everyone here is so kind! Yes, I was/am feeling frustrated about the amount of items in our house right now, I am feeling overwhelmed. Not only by the things he is bringing home but by how much we are storing for my son, etc. I have a lot of things I would get rid of but we are saving them for him, hoping he will be out on his own in the next 2-3 years. So it's just all getting to me. If I can at least get it out of sight it helps. Visual clutter literally stresses me out. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Thank you everyone for your kind words and suggestions, it is so appreciated!


Hubby actually asked me yesterday if I had anything I wanted him to do and I told him to be careful what he asks for, I could make a whole list for him but he probably wouldn't want to do it!


Anyway, he did work on decluttering/organizing one area of his in our basement and also his desk. The dreaded cameras from his dad are all bagged up to donate, there were 4 of them total. My son actually is keeping his newest, nicest one and the rest are going. He also set aside to donate a brand new computer modem and a briefcase that was his uncle's. 


I know he tossed some various odds and ends, some cable he didn't know what it went to, a stop watch that didn't work, dog nail clippers that didn't work well, packaging and obvious trash. 


It wasn't tons but it was enough that between what we are getting rid of and what he just put away it looks so much better. There are still other areas that need to be addressed but him just even doing that helped my mood so much! 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Strategic Strike Saturday


While Campanelli carpet spray worked magic on a few carpet stains, a quick strike was made on mystery bags found tucked down in a trash can. Less than 20 minutes later this short but satisfying sortie was marked mission accomplished. Woot!


Staged for take off....

-Neat Receipts scanner and manual

-Flip Pix viewer frame

-Electric toothbrush and accessories

-Hand warmer that uses lighter fluid

-Empty mobile phone box with contract/receipt (recycle/shred)


Progress sure but steady my fellow purgers. Cheers!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

September was a month of big $$$ outside projects for us.  Big relief to have things taken care of tho.  


Teacher daughter has moved 95% of her belongings from our basement which has opened up a lot of space down there.  I have arranged a haul off this week of a gas grill and several other items we no longer have use for.  

I've been filling a box for Union Mission and hope to drop it off on Friday; mainly jackets and 4 pair of my very slightly used shoes.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Tossed a dishrag and a bottle of expired sunscreen from hubby's truck. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

I put on a sweatshirt yesterday and it was too tight and uncomfortable in the arms so I put that in my donate bag. Also added a DVD to the donate bag. 


I went thru an extra bag of markers, highlighters, dry erase markers, etc and found some that didn't work so I tossed some of those and put some extras in a bag for hubby to take to work. 


Then I decided to go thru the junk drawer a bit and found a couple of other extra odd ball clips for hubby to take to work. I also found some random small things to toss that I didn't want to keep anymore. 


I bagged up some nonperishable/canned goods and toiletries for hubby to drop off at a donation site for Hurricane Helene victims. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Hubby tossed a ripped out bandana/hanky. 


 I did some organizing in my older son's room and he tossed yet another old camera that belonged to my father in law. He didn't want to part with much but he did toss that and a plastic pencil case, eraser, couple of lanyards. Just a couple small things.