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"Sparse" comes to mind.


I like it! Woman LOL


~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Oh, what a shame, @PickyPicky3 ,  that what you received was unexpected and not to your liking.  That's always so disappointing.


Agree, @just bee ,  sometimes "sparse" is so refreshing!  My problem is, I can gravitate to something almost clinically bare, all the way to (almost) 'high maximalist'...

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My friend's cabin was constructed in the late 1970's.  I have no idea what was on the market then; she complained of the humidity when the outside had high humidity.

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I think I generally prefer more natural looking wood for log cabins, so I don't care for the paint choices on the exterior and interior of this log cabin.  The exterior looks unnatural and charred, and the interior looks unnatural and in need of color.  The interior would probably look very nice decorated at Christmas time.
Took a look at the designer's website and saw some unusual products for sale, such as Tobacco And Bay Leaf Hand Wash, and Leather Flyswatters.
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@In-x-s wrote:

Even with the huge stove hood, I will never understand putting a stove under a window. They must not cook the way I do LOL



I couldn't imagine standing there cooking with the sun beating on the window and who has arms long enough to clean after every meal cooked on it?

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I love it too @Oznell. It is rustic meets modern. What a stunning contrast.