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I've tried off brands and don't think they have the staying power. 

Now I buy all my batteries, either Duracell Boost or Energizer Max, at Sam's Club or Costco when they have them on sale.

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Lots of articles have been written about this subject.  The concensus is that it all equals out in the end.  Amazon batteries are cheaper but don't last as long as Duracell. So you can pay less but replace more often or pay more and replace less often.

Most reviewers recommend using Duracell in items where the batteries are difficult to replace like smoke detectors or garage door keypads or medical equipment .  Something like remotes that don't take a lot of battery power?  You're fine with cheap batteries.  

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I'm a big fan of Amazon brand of batteries.  They're all I use.  I've had great luck with them.

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I have bought them for several years, no complaint.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I've used Amazon batteries for a quite awhile and have not been disappointed. Smiley Happy

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When we need AA or AAA we usually pick up Kirkland brand batteries at Costco.  My old hearing aids used batteries. For a period of time I used the Kirkland batteries. They we're fine but I eventually set up a subscription for the Amazon brand which also were on par with the Kirkland, which I believe are made by Duracell (but not 100% certain).

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Last year I got a bunch of AA's from Amazon for my light up Christmas stuff and they kept my decorations going until it was time to take them down. Maybe not the highest quality but certainly good enough.

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@heyslick57 wrote:

I haven't had much luck with Amazon batteries.

Neither have I.

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I use them most of the time, especially for decorations that require batteries.


I do use Duracell for my smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

I use them and I have good luck with them.