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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

Some people prefer to stick their head in the sand, the danger in that is of people repeating past transgressions.  Celebrating freedom from slavery  should never be thought of just another holiday. 

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@Love to Run wrote:


@haddon9 wrote:

@Love to Run wrote:

I can't believe QVC has absolutely no Juneteenth merchandise. I guess my dollars will be spent with Target and Amazon.

@Love to Run I've only heard of the holiday a few years ago.  What sort of merchandise is offered for Juneteenth?  Is there any special colors associated with the holiday?



@haddon9 Yes! Red, black, and green are traditional and they represent, the people, the land, and the blood shed in the struggle for freedom.

@Love to Run Thanks!

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@spumoni99 wrote:

Some people prefer to stick their head in the sand, the danger in that is of people repeating past transgressions.  Celebrating freedom from slavery  should never be thought of just another holiday. 

I don't think it has a thing in the world to do with anyone sticking their head in the sand. It's simply evolving. To this point, this has not been a well known or recognized holiday for most people. One might also suspect that repeating of past transgressions seems unlikely. As for the value placed on holidays, it could be that in a free nation, individuals, groups and families decide for themselves their hierarchy.

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

[ Edited ]

I am not Black, but I have known about Juneteenth for as long as I can remember, and that's a long time because I am old.  I am surprised and saddened that there are so many people that did not know the meaning and importance of this day.  How can one be alive and live in the USA and yet not be aware?  

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@haddon9 wrote:

@Love to Run wrote:

I can't believe QVC has absolutely no Juneteenth merchandise. I guess my dollars will be spent with Target and Amazon.

@Love to RunIs there any special colors associated with the holiday?

@haddon9   You know darn well there is.  You're not fooling me.proxy-image-1.gifproxy-image.gif



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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

If there is money to be made, trust me, merchandise will be offered!!!  @Love to Run , maybe you could design and market something that would be appropriate and welcomed by the masses.

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@Suzeecat wrote:

If there is money to be made, trust me, merchandise will be offered!!!  @Love to Run , maybe you could design and market something that would be appropriate and welcomed by the masses.

@Suzeecat despite what's been stated in some of the comments, there's plenty of Juneteenth merchandise available with major retailers everywhere. 

I was lamenting the lack of merchandise at QVC because I would have enjoyed seeing items demonstrated and styled either live or on video prior to purchase. QVC also carries unique items not found on Amazon. Thankfully, I was able to find some really special things on Etsy. This is our first Juneteenth in our new home and we absolutely love our neighborhood and want to share the celebration with our wonderful neighbors.

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@Love to Run 


There is quite a lot of Christmas items listed under "New', here on Q, a few Hallween too!



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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@Mz iMac   I do now...but why would I have known that?  It really wasn't on my radar and I don't see it mentioned anywhere.

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Re: No Juneteenth Merchandise

@tends2dogs wrote:

@SamBrown wrote:

@tends2dogs wrote:

People could find fault with any retailer if they look hard enough.  Personally, I will not support Target and their offering of women's bathing suits that accomodate men's equipment.....if you get my gist.

@tends2dogs   You've go to be kidding me!!!!  These swimsuits really exist???Smiley Surprised

Yes, @SamBrown , Google it.  

TARGET is taking a LOT of heat over their offerings.