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Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

I see such mixed reviews for these. I love wrapping gifts with all the embellishments, but once in a while there is a gift that must go into a bag. Do you like them? They are on air now with Stacey.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

I see such mixed reviews for these. I love wrapping gifts with all the embellishments, but once in a while there is a gift that must go into a bag. Do you like them? They are on air now with Stacey.

I am so tired of seeing these bags. I believe the younger generation finds them appealing.  Older "pros" know how to wrap a present with pride but I find younger people such as my niece do not take the time to properly wrap presents. I wish the Q would stop featuring these gift bags and focus on pieces of decor instead - snow men, santas cozy Christmas things etc.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

@PA Mom-mom I have bought two sets of them. They worked very well, when you are short on time and the gifts were odd shaped.  If you have time, go with wrapping paper (I think it looks better with wrapping paper).  But I would recommend Kringle Express Gift Bags for anyone who is always rushing during holiday times.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

I hate wrapping presents. When my girls were young the middle daughter figured out about Santa Claus.


She put the word to me that she'd like all of her presents from "Santa" wrapped.


OMG!  From then on I figured I was going to loose my mind.


So, when these bags came along I used them for my Grandchildren.  However within a year or two my grandchildren decided they hate unwrapping those bags.


I had to stop using them.  But my love affair with them still exists...I just can't use them anymore.  Boo Hoo.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

@Reever  I love wrapping! I embellish the tops of the packages and coordinate the colors for each family. But, as I said, once in a while I think, I could really use a bag. And then I don't have one. And, yes. I do get tired of people tying and tying presents.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

@PA Mom-mom - I bought them when they debuted and have ended up buying at least one more set every single year, even though I haven't run out of them yet. I still wrap most presents for younger kids the traditional way, but these bags are great for easily and stylishly wrapping gifts for other family members, friends, and colleagues. The quality is great and I love the fact that we typically end up using them multiple times, sharing them amongst the group. I also enjoy the non-holiday sets that are available and have purchased them as well, though they often aren't quite as good a deal overall.


My only complaint is that they always sell the bags as (for example) a "50 piece set," which actually means you get 25 bags and 25 tags. It's nice to have the tags, but the flimsy little pieces of paperboard are definitely not equivalent to the bags, so it seems disingenuous to present them this way. Just about every year, I leave a comment on the QVC website (or other reasonable places) requesting that they change that approach to be more transparent; something like "25 bags with bonus gift tags" sounds even better to me, and that way they won't end up with complaints from all the people who didn't carefully watch the presentation or read the fine print.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

@loriqvc Thanks for the review. That was quite helpful!

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?



I also buy a set every year. They are great for odd sized items like toy trucks in boxes, or big bulky sweaters.


I mix up the traditionally wrapped presents with these bags, so recipients get a combination every year.


These bags are also potentially reusable!


The designs and colors are very pretty.


I already ordered the newest set.


Note--I NEVER use the gift-tags--I put on my own along with bows.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

Remember the days when you bought a blouse, or sweater, or robe in a department store and they supplied freely the box and tissue? 

I think these bags serve a purpose to supplement regular gift wrapping. Especially when you need that last minute gift for someone.

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Re: Have You Purchased The Kringle Express Gift Bags?

@Annabellethecat66  They Can't take the time to open a BAG? Or they want a paper wrapped gift??  Either way they should take any gift how ever it is presented with good grace.  Can not start manners too early but never to late to start.