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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

@Regal Bee   I am in right now.  I decided to start right after Labor Day to cheer myself up.  Finally fot the wreath over the fireplace last night and the pumpkin centerpiece on the diningroom table. I have some beautiful pieces that are still in the closet Smiley Sad I live alone so I enjoyed it and kids came for Thanksgiving and enjoyed it too. Who knows what this year will bring.  Long way of saying you're not alone in your feelings and it's OK. I may get inspired and do it, who knows, but what I do or not do is perfectly fine. Heart

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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

This year, very much so. I asked the family if they cared if we didn't decorate; it got quiet and then "no Mom, that's fine".  They care but they realize that unless we want to move a ton of boxes, decorate boxes and then repack it.....we won't be able to decorate. Yeah, not much holiday spirit this year, sadly.


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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

@Regal Bee 


I think "we" are all in this mood somewhat -- I know I am!!! Especially ALL the fun parties and festivities with friends /family have been cancelled.


I know the holiday season will be a different kind this year ...


I also depends on my "mood".  Although, I've put some things out and did decorate my hutch last week -- It's brought so little "joy" and I'm ready to put it away.


Last year I couldn't get in the mood for Christmas decorating.  I was just not in the mood, but, with the help of many posters (inc. you) posting their beautiful decor and homes, I did do a bit.


Although, I've already decided my flooring is going in end of November (if they are available) so I may just put a few things out for Christmas this year.


I'm just not "stressing" over it as it will be only my spouse and me.  He's doesn't care one way or the other.


 In fact, we are planning eating out both T-Giving and Christmas Eve (first time in 6 years)! 


Sometimes we just need a "break" and when the mood hits you , I'm sure you'll get creative and your home will be decorated just perfectly.




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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

 @Regal Bee  I'm like you and love to decorate for the Seasons. This year is hard for me. It's just me! 
   The last several years I've,used Valerie's slim tree that made it easier and decorated it with beaded fruit for both Fall and winter. Easy. Beautiful! But lots of big boxes. 
   This year due to nobody coming inside and the pandemic AND the dog who loved to help died,  I'm not doing as much. (I always say that)! 
  Some Autumn decorations have  been out since September and usually after the foyer witch flies away I put the tree up. My older dog liked the witch, it cackled and he barked. The other dog doesn't care. So no witch this year. No trick or treat.
    I'm thinking of no beaded fruit, and only using a few pretty glass ornaments that were from QVC years ago. They came in red boxes and some are gold, some peacock. The tree doesn't need much. Only 4 boxes. 
    I thought "why not!" I'm just doing it for myself. I'm here anyhow and won't be shopping sales after Christmas because I don't need any more.
   Yes! It's hard to get in the spirit of decorating. This year all of the great grandchildren have moved to other states, my 13 year old granddaughter I've seen three times since March at a distance; same with my son.
   But I'm determined not to loose my spirit.  It's what keeps me going. This is life for now. So I'm doing some decorating but not as much. Gifts will be fewer and not as much wrapping and mailing. Deposits to savings accounts for the kids with a few packages.

 One tree I can enjoy that will be simple. It doesn't have to be perfect!  Life won't be the same for awhile but It will get better. 

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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

I'm in a decorating funk now but I don't see it as a negative thing. It feels liberating not to go through a major production now. 

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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

I think how much energy we have for decorating depends on what else is going on in our lives.  Some years, I have lots of energy and enthusiasm for decorating and other years I don't.  Ignore all your totes of beautiful autumn decor this year and buy a real pumpkin or two to enjoy.  They can go straight into the compost/recycle bin at the end of the season.  Maybe, by Thanksgiving, you will feel more in the mood for Christmas decoration, but if you don't, let it go for this year.  Light your candles (real or battery-operated) and rejoice in the simplicity.

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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

I love it when my apartment has holiday decor. I leave it up for a long time.

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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

@Regal Bee -- You have been an inspiration over the years.  You have a beautiful home, and you are a classy, 'regal' person.  I've never seen an unkind word from you on these boards!


Don't underestimate the stress we've all been under with the pandemic and with the current political climate.  We are all affected more than we know.


It's ok to take a break or to go a different direction.  Get a fresh balsam wreath, and a few real poinsettias and enjoy them for two or three weeks.


For me, I found I just had TOO MUCH decor to manage and it wasn't fun anymore!.  Storing it and keeping it organized just became overwhelming, so I let most of it go (which was difficult!).   I freed up space in my closets and in my mind because I was always thinking about it.


I decided to concentrate on one VPH slim tree in the kitchen, a real tree in the living room, and my nativity scene which is meaningful to me.  I'll add a wreath, some garland and picks (if they ever get here) and I'm done.  I no longer have figurals in every corner on every shelf.


It's a process!!  Be sure to take care and let yourself off the hook!!!

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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

@Regal Bee -  I am always big on decorating, but I'm right there with you this year. It's a first for me, also. My husband was the one who finally changed out the front door wreath from summer to fall, as I didn't even think about it, or care; another first. I have a lot of fall decor that I have no desire to unpack, or decorate.


This is just a very strange year (putting it mildly,) and it's certainly Not the end of the world if I don't decorate for the holidays, and it won't be for you either. 


Part of My decorating "funk" can be attributed to needing repairs/updates to our house and not knowing who we can trust to do the jobs the right way! We've been burned before and we're both so hesitant to put our trust, and money, in another possible nightmare. 

I'm sure that once our world gets in a better place, you will feel better about decorating. Right now, it's just doesn't seem a priority, and very understandable that you're just not that into it. 

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Do you ever get into a holiday decorating funk?

[ Edited ]

When both my parents died it was extremely difficult to find joy in anything.

Now with grandchildren, also  giving credit to Lisa Robertson for showing her true love, joy and sophistication in decorating it has become entertaining and fun again.