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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...



Hooray for your daffodils!!!  So glad they weathered the weather and shone their pretty faces for you.


When we moved into our place, I planted about 75 daffodils to get us started, in addition to many tulips, which I lost in January of 2017 with our huge snow and ice storms.  Last fall at one point I stepped out into the garage and saw a really large basket I'd not seen before full of bulbs.  Asking my husband what this was he said, " Got the basket for pennies at Goodwill and dug up most of those daffodils, which I hate, and am giving them away to that lady 8 houses up." 


Yes, he dug up my daffodils without so much as a by-your-leave and gave them all away.  I cannot imagine ever doing that to someone.  He's an extremely self-centered person.

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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...



As it turns out, there's truly nothing left to place in pots to save.  The inspector came to check the new sewer line and found that one portion had sunk/dipped slightly, so the yard had to be dug up again today.  I did, however, get the day lilies planted near the house and under the breakfast room window on Sunday and our maintenance guy is going to remove that awful coffin bush plus another small boxwood.  Have decided to plant 2 dwarf rhododendrons in place of the large coffin bush.

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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...

[ Edited ]

@sfnative wrote:



Hooray for your daffodils!!!  So glad they weathered the weather and shone their pretty faces for you.


When we moved into our place, I planted about 75 daffodils to get us started, in addition to many tulips, which I lost in January of 2017 with our huge snow and ice storms.  Last fall at one point I stepped out into the garage and saw a really large basket I'd not seen before full of bulbs.  Asking my husband what this was he said, " Got the basket for pennies at Goodwill and dug up most of those daffodils, which I hate, and am giving them away to that lady 8 houses up." 


Yes, he dug up my daffodils without so much as a by-your-leave and gave them all away.  I cannot imagine ever doing that to someone.  He's an extremely self-centered person.



@sfnative   Wow, he woud have heard it from me!  I always tell DH not to touch anything of mine, and that includes the entire garden, lol, unless he is digging holes for plants.



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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...

@sfnative wrote:



Hooray for your daffodils!!!  So glad they weathered the weather and shone their pretty faces for you.


When we moved into our place, I planted about 75 daffodils to get us started, in addition to many tulips, which I lost in January of 2017 with our huge snow and ice storms.  Last fall at one point I stepped out into the garage and saw a really large basket I'd not seen before full of bulbs.  Asking my husband what this was he said, " Got the basket for pennies at Goodwill and dug up most of those daffodils, which I hate, and am giving them away to that lady 8 houses up." 


Yes, he dug up my daffodils without so much as a by-your-leave and gave them all away.  I cannot imagine ever doing that to someone.  He's an extremely self-centered person.

@sfnative  OMG!  Your husband is beyond self-centered.  And who in the heck hates daffodils, pray tell?  How long have you been married to this guy?  If more than 6 months, then you deserve the medal of valor for not choking him by now.  He wouldn't have lasted that long with me, for sure!  Cat Sad

Laura loves cats!
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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...

@2blonde wrote:

@sfnative wrote:



Hooray for your daffodils!!!  So glad they weathered the weather and shone their pretty faces for you.


When we moved into our place, I planted about 75 daffodils to get us started, in addition to many tulips, which I lost in January of 2017 with our huge snow and ice storms.  Last fall at one point I stepped out into the garage and saw a really large basket I'd not seen before full of bulbs.  Asking my husband what this was he said, " Got the basket for pennies at Goodwill and dug up most of those daffodils, which I hate, and am giving them away to that lady 8 houses up." 


Yes, he dug up my daffodils without so much as a by-your-leave and gave them all away.  I cannot imagine ever doing that to someone.  He's an extremely self-centered person.

@sfnative  OMG!  Your husband is beyond self-centered.  And who in the heck hates daffodils, pray tell?  How long have you been married to this guy?  If more than 6 months, then you deserve the medal of valor for not choking him by now.  He wouldn't have lasted that long with me, for sure!  Cat Sad



I know, 2blonde, I know.  Yes, to everything you said.  Been married for decades.  If I could be self-supporting (am retired), I would be gone.  He made way over 6 figures, so has the top SS.  My 2 and his 1 401ks tanked in the economic crisis and through Silicon Valley crisis, we nearly lost everything.  Long tale, but lots of folks our age in the same boat.  We are fortunate to own a home.  But...if I were ever to win the lottery or Publishers Clearning House, believe me, I would be outta here and into a wonderful home where I could have as many daffodils as I want and a dream kitchen.


Hope you're having a great week.  Today it's headed into the 80s, with 86 projected for tomorrow.  That ugly coffin bush was removed today.  Yay!!!  And an old stump, where we really thought a tree had once existed, was just a stump sitting on dirt that a previous owner had placed there so he/she could put a potted plant on it  LOL!  And here we all were wondering how much of a pain it was going to be to get the darn thing out.  The maintenance guy simply lifted it off the soil!


Well, back into the kitchen to make brownies for my granddaughter...

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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...



Oh, he did hear it from me, but I know it went in one ear and out the other.  I had tears in my eyes I was that upset.  But he actually seems just not to care - that's the bottom line.  I keep asking myself if I really want the front yard to turn into a battle ground.  Still thinking about that.  It's complicated.

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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...

@sfnative wrote:



Oh, he did hear it from me, but I know it went in one ear and out the other.  I had tears in my eyes I was that upset.  But he actually seems just not to care - that's the bottom line.  I keep asking myself if I really want the front yard to turn into a battle ground.  Still thinking about that.  It's complicated.



@sfnative  Not caring seems to be the way now, I have had issues with a plumber also.  He yelled at me, he wouldn't have yelled at a man,  in his thick Russian accent, raved on and on, so I called the water department and they sent someone to show the jerk that I was right, and he was wrong.  He apologized, too late, I hired someone else. 

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Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...

@sfnative wrote:

@2blonde wrote:

@sfnative wrote:



Hooray for your daffodils!!!  So glad they weathered the weather and shone their pretty faces for you.


When we moved into our place, I planted about 75 daffodils to get us started, in addition to many tulips, which I lost in January of 2017 with our huge snow and ice storms.  Last fall at one point I stepped out into the garage and saw a really large basket I'd not seen before full of bulbs.  Asking my husband what this was he said, " Got the basket for pennies at Goodwill and dug up most of those daffodils, which I hate, and am giving them away to that lady 8 houses up." 


Yes, he dug up my daffodils without so much as a by-your-leave and gave them all away.  I cannot imagine ever doing that to someone.  He's an extremely self-centered person.

@sfnative  OMG!  Your husband is beyond self-centered.  And who in the heck hates daffodils, pray tell?  How long have you been married to this guy?  If more than 6 months, then you deserve the medal of valor for not choking him by now.  He wouldn't have lasted that long with me, for sure!  Cat Sad



I know, 2blonde, I know.  Yes, to everything you said.  Been married for decades.  If I could be self-supporting (am retired), I would be gone.  He made way over 6 figures, so has the top SS.  My 2 and his 1 401ks tanked in the economic crisis and through Silicon Valley crisis, we nearly lost everything.  Long tale, but lots of folks our age in the same boat.  We are fortunate to own a home.  But...if I were ever to win the lottery or Publishers Clearning House, believe me, I would be outta here and into a wonderful home where I could have as many daffodils as I want and a dream kitchen.


Hope you're having a great week.  Today it's headed into the 80s, with 86 projected for tomorrow.  That ugly coffin bush was removed today.  Yay!!!  And an old stump, where we really thought a tree had once existed, was just a stump sitting on dirt that a previous owner had placed there so he/she could put a potted plant on it  LOL!  And here we all were wondering how much of a pain it was going to be to get the darn thing out.  The maintenance guy simply lifted it off the soil!


Well, back into the kitchen to make brownies for my granddaughter...

@sfnative  I'm at least happy to hear you're having nice weather way out there in the west!  Here in NE Ohio, it's chilly, wet and dreary today.  I think this is the payback for the 77 and sunny degrees we had on Monday!  It's like a roller coaster living here, and being only a couple miles from Lake Erie makes my weather colder than 10 miles south of me (unless we get a southerly wind, of course)!


Speaking of roller coasters, your life sounds like it qualifies.  I can understand why you put up with DH's behavior issues, and you've probably learned to look over a lot of them after so many years together.


As I look out my window on this gray day I think of you and fields and fields of daffodils, tulips, and roses.  I picture the two of us parked on our lawn chairs in the middle of it all.....drinking it in.  I think we both would be in heaven!

Laura loves cats!
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...

@2blonde wrote:

@sfnative wrote:

@2blonde wrote:

@sfnative wrote:



Hooray for your daffodils!!!  So glad they weathered the weather and shone their pretty faces for you.


When we moved into our place, I planted about 75 daffodils to get us started, in addition to many tulips, which I lost in January of 2017 with our huge snow and ice storms.  Last fall at one point I stepped out into the garage and saw a really large basket I'd not seen before full of bulbs.  Asking my husband what this was he said, " Got the basket for pennies at Goodwill and dug up most of those daffodils, which I hate, and am giving them away to that lady 8 houses up." 


Yes, he dug up my daffodils without so much as a by-your-leave and gave them all away.  I cannot imagine ever doing that to someone.  He's an extremely self-centered person.

@sfnative  OMG!  Your husband is beyond self-centered.  And who in the heck hates daffodils, pray tell?  How long have you been married to this guy?  If more than 6 months, then you deserve the medal of valor for not choking him by now.  He wouldn't have lasted that long with me, for sure!  Cat Sad



I know, 2blonde, I know.  Yes, to everything you said.  Been married for decades.  If I could be self-supporting (am retired), I would be gone.  He made way over 6 figures, so has the top SS.  My 2 and his 1 401ks tanked in the economic crisis and through Silicon Valley crisis, we nearly lost everything.  Long tale, but lots of folks our age in the same boat.  We are fortunate to own a home.  But...if I were ever to win the lottery or Publishers Clearning House, believe me, I would be outta here and into a wonderful home where I could have as many daffodils as I want and a dream kitchen.


Hope you're having a great week.  Today it's headed into the 80s, with 86 projected for tomorrow.  That ugly coffin bush was removed today.  Yay!!!  And an old stump, where we really thought a tree had once existed, was just a stump sitting on dirt that a previous owner had placed there so he/she could put a potted plant on it  LOL!  And here we all were wondering how much of a pain it was going to be to get the darn thing out.  The maintenance guy simply lifted it off the soil!


Well, back into the kitchen to make brownies for my granddaughter...

@sfnative  I'm at least happy to hear you're having nice weather way out there in the west!  Here in NE Ohio, it's chilly, wet and dreary today.  I think this is the payback for the 77 and sunny degrees we had on Monday!  It's like a roller coaster living here, and being only a couple miles from Lake Erie makes my weather colder than 10 miles south of me (unless we get a southerly wind, of course)!


Speaking of roller coasters, your life sounds like it qualifies.  I can understand why you put up with DH's behavior issues, and you've probably learned to look over a lot of them after so many years together.


As I look out my window on this gray day I think of you and fields and fields of daffodils, tulips, and roses.  I picture the two of us parked on our lawn chairs in the middle of it all.....drinking it in.  I think we both would be in heaven!



Thank you sooooo much for your post.  You've not only brightened my day, but brought tears of joy to my eyes.


Thank you for the fields of daffodils, tulips and roses.  Yes - lawn chairs - drinking it in - heaven on earth - I'll take it!  Thank you for being you and providing kind words and gorgeous "mind" pictures to savor.





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Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: HUGE plumbing issue this week: now my front yard garden is gone...



Wanted you to know that with May just around the corner, my thoughts are with you and Ohio weather, that it will turn around quickly and provide you with some long sought-after real Spring.


I have 2 other friends in Ohio, though not as close to Lake Erie as you, and they're not happy campers either.


OK, Mother Nature, time to wake up!  It's Rebecca here asking you to lift the cold, damp, tail-end weather of winter and bring in the warmer and life-giving clime of Spring, especially to "2blond" in northern Ohio.  Thank you!




We're going to have 2 days of 80s weather today and tomorrow, then back to cold-ish again.  The Pacific Northwest gets these teasers, always followed by rain, which is what our weekend will be.


Gotta get out and water my new day lilies.  Have a good one.