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@Dazlin  the Carolina Wrens have discovered my mealworm feeder.  It's close to my bedroom window, so I can sit and watch closely.  They're my favorite bird.  I don't think the bluebirds have found it.



The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack , they are very cute.  I don't think I saw those here, but not sure because there are alot of different little birds here.  Im getting the yellow American finches here...bright yellow with distinct black stripes on their wings....and they eat the mealworms too.  Everything is gobbling up the mealworms. 

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@Dazlin   This is a Carolina Wren.  They're distinctive by the white line above their eyes.  Are you in Florida?  They're in Florida and also here (East TN) year round.



The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@Dazlin  p.s.  We have goldfinches, too.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack , yes I'm in Central Florida...ill have to pay attention next time I see them.   I have thistle seeds out in a special cylinder feeder, I notice the tiny birds go to, but they also enjoy all my other feeders..I mostly have tray feeders.

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@NickNack ,  I checked the house yesterday,  there were 4 eggs.  Maybe she'll lay 1 more and sit.   Have you checked yours?

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@Dazlin wrote:

@NickNack ,  I checked the house yesterday,  there were 4 eggs.  Maybe she'll lay 1 more and sit.   Have you checked yours?



@Dazlin   That's great!  Mine have bult the nest up so high that I can't see inside the nest.  I've been putting the phone above it and taking a picture.  I can't see with a mirror either.  I'm not seeing the entire nest with the phone, although I'm trying, but it doesn't look like there's an egg.


It's a fullly built nest that they've worked on for two weeks.  We've had some cold nights so maybe they've been waiting.  The female was in the nest this morning with the male sitting on top of the house.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack , oh maybe she's getting ready to lay.  How about a step stool for you to see in?

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@Dazlin wrote:

@NickNack , oh maybe she's getting ready to lay.  How about a step stool for you to see in?



@Dazlin   A step stool wouldn't help.  She's built it so high.  The door pulls up instead of to the side, and I can't see in.  I can't even see when I put a mirror in and try to angle it.  My phone is the only thing that works.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Those Carolina Wrens always try to build in my garage.  I have to chase them out because we can't leave it open.  


I think the bluebirds I had at the feeders earlier in the season have moved on.  I haven't seen them in awhile and I see no action at the house they used last year.  It's not a bluebird house, but they used it anyways.  I did see a chickadee going into the other house I have attached to my deck.