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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

I don't want to offend anyone ,or make them think, this is so unimportant to me, I will just wear anything I please

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

@cherry   You chose appropriate clothing which I think is respectful.  More importantly, is the service you are giving.  Much respect to you and your husband.

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

I know the family of the gentleman that has passed away. They were neighbors of mine ,when I lived at home, with my parents.


His wife is a dear lady ,who has given of herself  so many times, I want it to be as nice as it can, to give them a feeling of a community that cares about them

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

@cherry   Thank you for caring.  Your volunteering is appreciated, I'm sure.  Just the fact that you care enough to look appropriate is telling.  

Absolutely, both wear comfortable shoes.  Dark, non-descript clothing (washable and comfortable) will be perfect.  

God bless you for being so kind.




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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

I would wear dressy casual, no jeans.

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

@cherry I would suggest dark slacks and a soft colored top or blouse. 


Thank you for all the kindness you bring into people's lives. 

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

@Somertime wrote:

@cherry   I would wear dress pants and a nice top.  


Speaking of funerals and wakes, I am still of the old school. I, always, wear a dress and heels.  Recently, I have noticed that some do not dress at all, not even in dress pants.  It amazes me that they are dressed way beyond casual, jeans and shorts, too.  I understand that what is important is they cared enough to pay their respects but come on.


I feel the same way about Mass as well.  Some of the outfits are just awful.  I'm not saying you need to come in a ball gown but jeans, shorts, flip flops, they look like they should be cleaning their house!


Things have changed, now a days but I,truly, believe casual is not always appropriate.  Must be a sign of my age!

I  am old school also and believe that when you are in God's house you should dress in your best.  When I go to church I always wear a skirt suit or a dress.  If it is unusally hot I wear a pretty skirt with a nice top and I always wear heels.  I dress now like I did 40 years ago, nothing has changed.  I never go anywhere unless I am properly dressed.

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

[ Edited ]

@cherry    For your husband -- white shirt, black pants and black tie if he has one and for you white blouse, black skirt or pants.  You want to look like you are wearing uniforms.

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Re: serving at a funeral dinner

As I am leaving for 4 p.m. Mass right now and totally agree about no respect.   Since I live in a warmer climate they think nothing of wearing shorts to Mass.  The priest say the same thing "at least they are here". Give me a break!!!!!!


We also have receptions after our funerals and the people who help out usually dress in Black pants and it can be a really nice shirt...White or a print.  Many blessings for giving back and your talent. 

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: serving at a funeral dinner

I’ve never heard of a funeral dinner. I’m sure you’ll look fine @cherry .