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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

I noticed that little Prince George was wearing long pants rather than shorts.  I don't think I've ever seen him in long pants before, is he at the age where little British boys start to wear long pants, or was it due to chilly weather or the Christmas holiday occasion?

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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

@phoenixbrd  If you wear leather shoes or carry a leather purse where do you think the leather comes from.  Animals are killed for food and some people kill animals for sport.  If you wear plastic shoes and purse and wear nothing from an animal then you have reason to comment, otherwise lighten up.

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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

The Queen looks lovely in red.  God Bless the Queen.  Will's children are growing up fast.  The whole family looked lovely.

kindness is strength
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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

I sure would like to have the Queen's dressmaker make just ONE of the Queen's outfits for me.  I'm sure they are custom made.  They are so beautiful and classic.  The red for Christmas was gorgeous.


But then, I doubt I could afford even one Smiley Happy.  They all look so nice and George is finally wearing long pants!

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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

The answer to all our ?s.......

What's in the Queen's Handbag?: And Other Royal Secrets


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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

I'd be very surprised if at her age, she didn't have an extra Depends in her bag!
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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

@Pearlee wrote:
I wonder if George gets upset when someone hands Charlotte a gift and he doesn't get one?

Also I think Prince William looks a lot like Prince Edward, unless it's just that they are balding at the same rate. 😄

@Pearlee  I agree that Prince Wm and Prince Edw look very similar but I don't think George gets upset about Charlotte receiving a gift.  I think he rather expects it.  Probably he has been home-schooled in the fact that girls get more gifts than guys.  He often seems to rely on Charlotte as if she is the big sister, not the baby sister.  Just my personal observation.

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Re: early pictures of Royal Family going to Christmas services

I never knew that there have always been two services on Christmas day, 9am and 11am.


The 9am service is private and the dress is more casual, but photographers still get shots because the church is open to the public. There was talk that Andrew might get heckled so I imagine that's the reason he only attended the earlier service.


The 11am service is the pap stroll where everyone dresses up and the media and public are invited to snap the family. This is when the family greet the public and accept flowers/gifts.


Judging by the pictures, it looks like the Queen, Charles, Edward (and family), Eugenie and (possibly) Beatrice attended both services.