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Re: What is Marla Wynne TS on 8/10?

I am thrilled this dress came back as I missed it the first time.  I have an outside engagement party to go in two weeks and this dress would be perfect for it.  The price is excellent.  

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Re: What is Marla Wynne TS on 8/10?

YogaPilatesInstructor, I agree that the TS show was hilarious.  Callie had her hands full!  The interaction between her and Marla was really funny.  I laughed out loud when Marla first lowered her chair and looked so astonished.  There was a lot of non-product talk, but both of them managed to also do their jobs and give good product info too.

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Re: What is Marla Wynne TS on 8/10?

@mb141312  ha yes, i know, and poor Callie, she was trying to hold it together and try to give info about the clothes but Marla kept talking about other things and the models but it was very entertaining!  Oh yes, and that chair going up and down!   She is a hoot!

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Re: What is Marla Wynne TS on 8/10?

@GoodyShoes  Marla said last night that she reads every review and then as a joke said 'that's why i am in therapy'.  Ha made me laugh!  .  But she did say she liked receiving all feedback so she could learn from any mistakes.   

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Re: What is Marla Wynne TS on 8/10?

I saw the midnight show and Marla must have had a caffeine infusion before the show.  She was bouncing off the walls and funnier than most comedians.  The Tsv dress wouldn't flatter my body but I enjoyed the show.