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Obviously, she and the show needed attention.  

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I'm impressed you cook everyday. Well, we all cook to some extent because we have to eat (unless we order take-out 😄). 


I wish I enjoyed cooking, but I really don't. I am a bit of an organizational freak and live in an open concept condo, so when things are out of place in the kitchen, it just doesn't seem enjoyable.


For special occasions, my sister-in-law's Father will hire a chef to come to his home to prepare dinner for the entire family. The menu is elegantly printed on beautiful paper and highlights every entree. The family is encouraged to view him cooking.


I''m thinking it might be fun to take cooking class or two to inspire me.

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

@magicmoodz  Thank you Smiley Very Happy! Yes indeed, I cook every day and I cook all of my meals!  I used to do take out once or twice a month, but prices are so high at even the most casual restaurants these days, that I now cook my takeout at home too.  If I want a burger and potato wedges, I make it.  If I want a Vietnamese cold noodle salad with Vietnamese style grilled meat, I make it etc.  Cooking is fun- I do get frustrated when I drop a spatula on the floor or if dishes and pans pile up while I'm cooking and the loud beep of the kitchen timer going off over and over annoys me every time Smiley Very Happy


     That is so cool that your sister in law's father hires a private chef for special events- it must be so interesting to watch him in his zone and preparing all of the dishes.  Cooking classes are a lot of fun- I say sign up for one or two that you'd like to do! Smiley Happy The best part about cooking classes is that you get to eat what you cooked as a group when the class is over! 

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

Good lord, what is she not wearing in those movie premiere photos?


(And, gosh, her hair sure grew fast.)  Woman Wink

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

Pretty lady, ugly outfit. Smiley Wink


Oh, and it's obvious she's wearing a wig in that "ugly outfit" photo - Kelly has always had a beautiful head of (long) hair.


Re: Which one was acting like a diva? - My money is on J-Lo! (LOL)

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@LavernLuvsShoes wrote:

Pretty lady, ugly outfit. Smiley Wink


Oh, and it's obvious she's wearing a wig in that "ugly outfit" photo - Kelly has always had a beautiful head of (long) hair.


Re: Which one was acting like a diva? - My money is on J-Lo! (LOL)

Strangely enough it was Kelly Rowland.  She was on the Today Show being interviewed around 8:30 am when this picture was taken.  However, she was supposed to cohost the 10am hour with Hoda.  She refused to host the show right before time to come on.  Supposedly, it was because JLo who was going to be interviewed on the show, took a dressing room she wanted. lol, celebrity problems 😂

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@cheriere  - I read that she was mad about the interview S. Guthrie did with her earlier.  Guthrie asked questions about Beyonce instead of focusing on Rowland.  Supposedly this upset Rowland.

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@San Antonio Gal    Okay, thanks for letting me know.  I was going on what another poster in the thread said happened.  Next time I should research and find out for 😊❤️

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

I saw that interview and it was clear that Kelly really didn't want to talk about Beyonce, but Savannah was doing her job and it was a simple little question.  I don't buy that it was the reason for the Diva hissy fit.  It was Twitter that blew that up.


Today Show staff have verified that the tiff was about dressing rooms.


I like Kelly,  but I think she made a mistake and was unprofessional. 


An entire hour on a major broadcast network is invaluable exposure and she forfeited it.

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@LavernLuvsShoes wrote:

Pretty lady, ugly outfit. Smiley Wink


Oh, and it's obvious she's wearing a wig in that "ugly outfit" photo - Kelly has always had a beautiful head of (long) hair.


Re: Which one was acting like a diva? - My money is on J-Lo! (LOL)

From everything I've read, J-Lo was already in the dressing room that Rowland wanted.  Were the staff supposed to turf J-Lo out?  There were other dressing rooms. And as some have said in the reporting of this, many other A-list stars have used those "smaller dressing rooms" without walking off or throwing a hissy fit.


Sorry, but my money is on Rowland, who walked out on a commitment over something like that?  (It's likely J-Lo wasn't even aware of what was going on.  They say she got there earlier than Rowland and that was the dressing room they put her in.)


Well, maybe Ms. Rowland will make a statement with her side of the story.  ('re paid to do a job - you show up and do the job.)