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Just saw an article from earlier in January ....


4 Famous designers share what makes a woman elegant


The designers interviewed were "Donatella Versace, Giorgio Armani, and the Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana duo."


Their responses were:


Simplicity, self-care, and intelligence


Self-confidence and firm beliefs


Some snips from the article:


"Armani reminds us that fashion can be expensive, but real style is not."


"A woman who accepts both herself and her environment … is refined, elegant, and sophisticated."


“The Versace woman is not only one who is secure in her personal preferences and style, but also one who is firm in her beliefs." 


You can read the entire artcle at:  aleteia dot org/2019/01/08/4-famous-designers-share-what-makes-a-woman-elegant/ 

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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

Very interesting. My mom said elegance came from within and with what came out of your mouth. 

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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

Effortless style.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

Some women are born with an indefinable sense of style.  I can wear the exact same outfit and they are wearing and they have a certain something that makes it look like the height of fashion while I look like a schlump.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

The only way I can define it is that I know it when I see it.

"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"
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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

Good manners, a kindness towards others, intelligence and a wardrobe that suits her shape.

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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

@Kachina624 wrote:

Some women are born with an indefinable sense of style.  I can wear the exact same outfit and they are wearing and they have a certain something that makes it look like the height of fashion while I look like a schlump.

I totally agree with you.  I find ladies at the mall that look so sophisticated and if I wear something similar I look frumpy.  I always say, "if I was just 5" taller I'd look so good".  It's very depressing.  Schlump is a great word also.

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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

High end jewelry.

Works no matter what U look like.

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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

IMO, an elegant woman doesn't necessarily follow what is in style.  She has her own style.   She can wear an item that's years old and still look wonderful.  Jackie Kennedy Onasis was elegant. 

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Re: What Make a Woman Elegant?

@SharkE wrote:

High end jewelry.

Works no matter what U look like.



@SharkE   Uh, not quite sure about that one. You can put 6 ct. diamond studs on a walrus, but it still looks like a walrus to me.