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On 2/3/2015 twinny2 said: What does ITE mean? I am also OOTL.

I think it's a shortened version of ""alright"" as in ""I'm alright.""

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On 2/3/2015 kjohnson said:

I do work on computers all day every day for the last 25 years, so I can't claim technology ignorance, but I really do shun a lot of the "newfangled" stuff at home. I got my first home computer 4 years ago (my DH pressured me into in because he hating sharing his), I just got my first tablet as a gift for Christmas this past year, and no smart phone for me!

And I still drive a manual transmission car after 30 years. Manual transmissions are harder and harder to come by. It'll be a sad day for me when I have to buy my first automatic transmission vehicle! Smile My father affectionately calls my car the Fred Flintstone-mobile.

I will say most of my non-grocery shopping is done online. And I take full advantage of auto-ships and subscribe and saves from amazon and drugstore dot com. Hope this doesn't get me kicked out of Nordo!

{#emotions_dlg.thumbup} I have a 1991 red Mitsubishi 3000GT with a 5-speed transmission, and I'll never give it up! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} and a five-year old Dell desktop, and a five-year old flip phone!

And if none of the Nordoites can guess what BTHOM is, I found it in the Net For Beginners... Beats The H*ll Outta Me! Learning all this could be fun!Smile

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This board has certainly made me laugh on a cold snowy day !!!

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Registered: ‎08-09-2012
On 2/3/2015 shoptheQ said:

BTHOM - {}

This board has certainly made me laugh on a cold snowy day !!!

I would be laughing a lot more if I had a cold snowy day! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup} I LOVE snow, and I'm definitely living in the wrong place to see any! {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

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I try and keep up on a few new things the best I can. I work with girls my daughter age. I try but thank goodness my daughter is around to show me how on some of this stuff. I kind of enjoy learning new things and using and having some of these toys.

Just updated my calendar on the phone with all kinds of things coming up but I still write it down on the calendar on the fridge too.

Took me forever to join the world of cell phone users but once I did I wouldn't be without one. I still have a land line and would rather talk on that phone than a cell phone. I love the fact that my cell phone can be answered with a press of the button on the steering wheel in the car. Best part of the new car I think besides heated seats.

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Registered: ‎09-10-2010

busygirl - that's great - learning something new is always a good thing !! I admit I do have a tracfone but I'd be lost without my calendar on the fridge !

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On 2/3/2015 shoptheQ said:
On 2/3/2015 VCamp2748 said:

I want to know where the planet Nordo is. I think I belong there, too, sometimes.{#emotions_dlg.blush}

{} Fortunately or unfortunately there are quite a few of us living on the planet Nordo - please feel free to join us !!!

I AM a Nordanian! there, i've said it. (and don't call me on my cell)

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Registered: ‎09-10-2010

It's so nice to know I'm not alone on the planet Nordo !!

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Add one more to the population of Planet! I own a simple flip phone that I use to make and/or receive calls. I do not text and in fact, have them blocked so I don't receive any either (wouldn't know what to do if I received a text)! I do not own an iPad, tablet, Kindle or any of those. I have an old laptop that is wireless only because Comcast set it up, and my car is a 2007 Yaris.

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hi honey ... I'm home!! I knew there were more of me out there somewhere.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."