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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

Looking into my crystal ball, I'm for , I'm seeing a time at which MOST words in spoken languages will be"hurtful" or "unkind" or "inappropriate" or in some other way offensive to SOME listener and therefore banished from use, SO, ultimately we'll all be back to grunting like Cave Folk (can I say that? Are there any Cave Folk reading this that I shouldn't offend?)


Some of you grammar queens apparently do not realize that one of the the reasons grammar is no longer actively/vigorously taught in schools is that precise grammar "MAY be EXCLUSIONARY"!


Are WE ALL causing this to occur because of our ceaseless carping about every single drop of insult we can assume in every single word/inflection that is said for every single reason? 


MAYBE........we could all assess what is said through the filters of "frivolous" or "irrelevant" or "non-specific" or just not our thing, as we hear it said.


Darn tootin' there is enough verbal garbage thrown around that IS intended to be offensive/unkind, and most sensible people can discern language that needs defense.

But "skinny"? If it's not you, or specifically, egregiously hurtful to anyone in your frame of reference, is it worth throwing emotion at it to even CARE who has dropped it as a selling term?

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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

@freakygirl wrote:

maybe because she knows women well. we're always asking our husband or girlfriends, does this make me look fat? we ask others and we ask ourselves. I think no matter what size we are, we all want to look just a little more slender. it's not a bad thing in my opinion. 

I've never asked if a garment makes me look fat. Ever. 

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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!




@jaxs mom wrote:

@freakygirl wrote:

maybe because she knows women well. we're always asking our husband or girlfriends, does this make me look fat? we ask others and we ask ourselves. I think no matter what size we are, we all want to look just a little more slender. it's not a bad thing in my opinion. 

I've never asked if a garment makes me look fat. Ever. 

Same here.


It would never even occur to me to ask someone's opinion about anything I was wearing.   I have a mirror ... I can see for myself what I look like.  And, I have complete confidence in my own judgment.

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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

Actually, it depends on the cut of the garmet, the fabric, and how it is styled.


The medical world tells us how we should "be" and we can all see the consenquences.

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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

Susan always makes these comments.  She really is inappropriate.


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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

@ALRATIBA wrote:




@jaxs mom wrote:

@freakygirl wrote:

maybe because she knows women well. we're always asking our husband or girlfriends, does this make me look fat? we ask others and we ask ourselves. I think no matter what size we are, we all want to look just a little more slender. it's not a bad thing in my opinion. 

I've never asked if a garment makes me look fat. Ever. 

Same here.


It would never even occur to me to ask someone's opinion about anything I was wearing.   I have a mirror ... I can see for myself what I look like.  And, I have complete confidence in my own judgment.

I have asked opinions, but not if I look fat in it. LOL 



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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

To me, if you are not skinny - NOTHING is going to make you look like you are skinny. There are certain colors, or certain fabric patterns that can make or break the looking thinner thing. I really wish that they would stop insisting something would work for or look good on anyone ... sooo not true. 

-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

[ Edited ]


@CAMOGIRL wrote:

To me, if you are not skinny - NOTHING is going to make you look like you are skinny. There are certain colors, or certain fabric patterns that can make or break the looking thinner thing. I really wish that they would stop insisting something would work for or look good on anyone ... sooo not true. 

@CAMOGIRL    All anyone has to do is take a look at the hosts and models to know that's completely untrue!

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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

I think I've seen one of Clinton Kelly's presentations (middle of the night!) and I find his candor about styling for every body type refreshing.

'everything doesn't work for every body' but there are elements to the construction that are favorable for most....

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Re: Saying that clothes make you look SKINNY... Just STOP IT!!!

I don't want my clothes to make me look skinny or fat... just "normal."

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~