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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon!   Hope the weather is nice where you live.  It is hot, dry, and windy here.  Yesterday, they announced that there was a fire in the nearby area in the mountains that is part of a National Forest.  Fortunately, the fire has been put out.  I know other areas are having very dangerous fires.


i heard from Bev, and she is not doing well.  She is in pain, and apparently the kidney that the doctor thought was dead is not.  She went for some tests yesterday (turned out okay), but is supposed to go in for more tests, chemo, etc. next week.  Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers.


Also had some bad news from a neighbor.  Her grown daughter committed suicide on Monday.  This neighbor's son had died of cancer several years ago, and her husband died just before COVID.  She said her daughter had mental health issues, but her daughter's husband (who had left for work at 3:00 a.m.) and school (she was a teacher) were shocked as was my neighbor Nancy.  


On happier news, the  hospice mailings were okay this week.  I plan to go to the Post Office to mail them later today.  Also plan to look for a card for a church member who is having her quinceañera (15th birthday) party after church on Sunday.  I plan to attend the party.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day, and please post if you have a chance.







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Posts: 5,551
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Hi Everyone!


LindaLatte--Thanks for starting the post. Sorry to hear about Bev and your neighbor's daughter. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. 

Glad the hospice mailings were improved. It really does make a difference

Whe we were at Dad's ranch you could always see and smell the fires in Yellowstone. So eerie to see allthe burnt trees but then you saw new growth in other areas. I miss that view. 

Today is very hot and sunny for us. *80 during the day but it still dips in the high 30's or low 40's at night. I'm back and forth with putting the a/c and hepa on an then the heat off. The old system controlled it all from one unit. (Some new & improved model---NOT)


The two planters I was waiting on arrived yesterday. I got those in place and one bulb transplanted from an old planter into the new one. A few of the older ones are going to relocate to the garden in front of the family side window. I did get the web fencing installed around that vinyl fence in an effort to keep out the bunnies or groundhogs. I think the groundhogs are eating more judging by the size of them. After that I had to come inside. I forgot my sunscreen on my face and my garden hat. I hope I remember to water tonight. 


 Our DIL took her car to another dealership for the "CAT" problem. They told her they don't take another dealer's word and would have to run the test again. They only charged $100 compared to the $500 from the other dealer (same brand). Now the two dealers are discussing what to do about the low extra mileage on the extended warranty. She's completed disgusted and still no working car. It's just wrong how some business's take advantage of you. It will be days before she has an answer and then what? 


Have a good afternoon/evening/



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Posts: 41,593
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


I'm a day late again Woman Embarassed


It was overcast yet bright in my part of the world yesterday @LindaLatte .  We're expecting another nice day (70's, low 80's) today.


I'm trying hard here to give Bev's doctors the benefit of the doubt by saying there was probably a valid reason for the way they approached Bev's kidney the way they did.  In my heart I feel that they only way to ensure a kidney is dead is to cut it out and toss it in a medical waste container.


I think I'm just marked for life by my husband's and brother in law's cancer experiences.  Each man I mentioned was of the mindset that the cancerous organ should be removed.  One was kidney the other bladder.  Both men told their doctors out loud - get rid of the kidney/bladder.  Oh no, that's too extreme said the doctors.


Their funerals were lovely.


My heart aches for your neighbor, she has lost much in the past few years. 



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 41,593
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


@Fressa   There's a reason why car dealers (not just used car salesman) get a bad rap.  I'm sorry that your daughter in law is caught in the middle without transportation.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise