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Hello friends and readers! How is everyone? I've been so focused on each day that I forgot DD is coming to spend the night Friday. I did get some sleep last night and feel like I'm still sleeping today. I'm not sure what I will do for lunch but I've been so very sick of fast food. I've discovered that eating at the better restaurants I spend the same amount anyway.

I brought baby to work with me because I was too lazy to put her up in her pen. I don't have much else to share. I was feeling a little down and read email with my store saying "Do you need a fix" and thought "Yes I do!!!" However I did not even look, just hoping my jeans come in and that at least 1 pair is a keeper.

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Good Morning/Afternoon! Thanks for getting us started Kathleen. Glad you got some rest last night. Hope your DD's visit is fun. I find that unless you are careful "fast food/junk food" can cost just as much as things from "regular/more healthy restaurants".

I was thinking about you this morning since I'm having a clothing pick up today (Vietnam Veterans), and I took most of the things hanging up in the laundry room in the bag. This morning, I added some new things out there. I really hate getting rid of things I haven't worn much and paid good money for, but.....

I received this information from Missus Smarty Pants this morning --


6 Savvy Ways To Save Money
When it comes to purchasing clothes, the costs can really add up!

Here are 6 ways to become a savvier shopper:
1. Do you really want (or need) it bad enough? Figure out how many hours you have to work in order to get it. By doing this calculation, it makes you think about the value of your earned dollars and then if the item is really worth it. In order for you to buy a particular item, calculate how many hours you have to work. Figure out your monthly take-home pay, then divide it by the number of hours you work in a month. Is this item something you still want?
2. Pay with cash. When you see how much money (in real dollars) something costs you, you might think twice. Instead of using that quick to swipe card, use hard-earned cold cash and see if it changes how you think about the cost/value of what you are considering purchasing.
3. Take a picture. To avoid buying something that you know is an impulse purchase, take a photo with your phone. Don’t buy it...wait. Give it at least 24 hours or a week, then if you still want it, go back and buy it. By giving yourself a “cooling off” period you will often find you’re not in love with it as much as you thought!
4. Create a wish list on websites of stores you love to shop. Check your wish list frequently to see if an item you are hoping to purchase has dropped in price. When it does, make that purchase, but of course at a lesser price!
5. Buy only what you love. Buy clothes that make you feel like a million bucks every time you put them on. Stop making concessions on fit and style (your closet is already full of these poor choices)! Buy the best quality you can afford and alter as needed. Don’t try to fit into a style or trend that’s not you! You will only end up with another item you won’t wear.
6. Buy for your lifestyle. Shop for clothes that fit your lifestyle--not your fantasy version. For example, I love cocktail dresses and I once purchased a beautiful “Marilyn Monroe” fit-n-flare style cocktail dress. It was gorgeous! It was black and cream and I paid only $24.95 (in size 12). Well, I don’t go to cocktail parties and I’m not a size 12. I never did wear that dress or have it altered down a size either. You get the picture. Buy for the woman you are today. Invest in what you will wear based on your real lifestyle and for the climate you live in.


Good advice, similar to that shared from Jean over the years, but a reminder.


I have two "classes" this afternoon (British history and British male mystery writers). DH and I took a walk this morning, and I plan to go to Curves this morning. Other than that, not much to report.

Have a good day everyone!



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Hi there. Great tip. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with recent purchases I'm hoping I made some good clothing investments. Is that just rationalization? I hope not, but I'm keeping it in mind. Already overwhelmed with holiday shopping for my kids. They are getting to big for toys but electronics are expensive.
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Linda, I get her emails too and didn't even read that one. Thanks for posting! I had to giggle now at how often I used to buy a size smaller. I don't do that anymore.

Welcome, All!! I was raised in Bode, 100mi N of Des Moines. I know what you mean about holiday shopping. Every year I want to cut back and DH is ok with that as long as I am talking about others, but not the kids. They are out on their own now but he always wants them to have plenty to open. I'm not sure how this year will work out. I think for me, there is a fine line between a need and a rationalization. I try to think things through - can I wear it 3 ways? Do I have something like it in the closet already? And if I don't wear it within a month, I take it back. When I'm stuck feeling bad about it I will likely buy more. Try to be kind to yourself. Just what I'm thinking on this beautiful Thursday.

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Hi girls!

It's another beautiful day out; I'm taking the dogs for a drive - maybe to my favorite Walmart - then I have to get back to work. I finished the last late paper last night, and have two research papers that are due by midnight Sunday. I figure two days for each (I could do each in one, but...), then next week it's two exams that have to be completed by Friday, but I'm doing one on Monday and one on Tuesday and then I'm DONE...until January. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

LindaL, of that list, #5 is the one I can most relate to. I kept buying dressy tops and pretty dresses to wear out on a date, but I'd rather stay home than date the losers I've met. I have to be realistic - most of the time I just take the dogs out and go shopping; the only time I get dressed up is for church and maybe once a week when I have dinner with a friend, or to the occasional concert or play (although it seems I'm one of the few who bothers getting dressed nicely for them anymore), but I have more than enough clothes for those purposes. I'd also add to that list, if you're 50 or over, find out which stores offer discounts, and only shop in them on the days when the discount is offered. (Beall's also does a discount for those under 50 on Fridays.)

I think the house next door is sold already. I've seen a very nice gold car in front of it every day for the last four days; at first I thought maybe it was someone from the bank checking things out, but yesterday and today it was filled with stuff that's apparently being moved in. Yesterday I saw a nice looking man who waved as I was pulling out of my driveway; I was hoping he's single, but today there are two cars there. Oh well, as long as they're nice people, that's all that matters.

Welcome, all! Try hanging your new clothes where you can see them every day, several times a day. If you still love them after a week or so, then you can put them away. I find that when I do that, often I'm tired of the new item after a couple of days and return it. I'm through with my Christmas shopping, except for a book for my pastor; I buy things here and there throughout the year as I see things I think people will love. That way I'm not settling for just any old thing, and I don't get hit with a big expense all at once. As for the kids, well...they have to learn at some point that they can't have everything they want. I know part of my shopping addiction came from an aunt who used to take me shopping every Saturday and buy be anything and everything I wanted. I know she thought she was being nice, but it "trained" me to think that I could have anything and not give a thought to the cost of it.

Well, I guess I'd better get dressed and get moving. There's a meet & greet for a woman I know who is running for mayor at the park tonight, but she's offering free food and I don't want to ruin my diet with something I'm not crazy about. (Beans & cornbread) BTW, you can all feel proud of me - yesterday's "treat" was a small cup of Bryer's gelato, and I decided it wasn't all that good and certainly not worth the calories, so I'm getting rid of the rest of it. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} Just as I'm trying to not buy clothes unless I absolutely, positively love them (and can use them), I'm not going to eat anything that I don't thoroughly enjoy.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Kathleen--Thank you for starting the thread. I do hope that the jeans you are awaiting will provide the "fix" you may need. Fast food can get old and sometimes quality food from a good restaurant, on specials, can provide a better meal at a very reasonable price.

Linda--Thank you for posting those little reminders. I think regardless of how often we use some of those techniques, it doesn't hurt to be reminded of them. You continue to be active with your walking, Curves and your classes. I am a believer in keeping the mind challenged to reduce the aging process as much as possible. Being physically active also helps.

Arlene--It is amazing that you are getting new neighbors so quickly unless this was a process underway before the old ones moved out. Hopefully, they will be good neighbors. I would think a meet and greet would have something other than beans and corn bread. That would definitely keep me from greeting her.

I worked today and will work again tomorrow. Tomorrow is a great assignment. I've had some of the students in the classes today and these students are a pain in nearly every teacher's side. The same Math teacher will be out tomorrow so I went into the office and told them I didn't want my assignment from tomorrow changed. I wanted a day to look forward to and not a day which involves constant crowd control with little else accomplished.

I did get my IM watch. I have that watch in two other colors and love it. This one just isn't calling out to me, so it is going back. The color just didn't work for me. Using Linda's use of how much I would have to work for that watch, putting up with today's angels with tarnished halos would have paid for it but I would prefer to invest that time elsewhere in another purchase.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi Jean!! I don't doubt you have some challenges at your job. I'm glad you will have a good day to look forward to. I kind of don't mind so much when something doesn't work out. These days I enjoy a good lengthly try on session at home before I decide, and I feel like what gets kept is enjoyed much more than previously.

I think the cornbread may be a Tennessee thing. Down here the Hispanics make a meal of beans, and put everything in them but the kitchen sink. It's quite interesting - when someone dies they all get together and cook a huge meal and sell plates to raise money for the funerals. Everyone buys a plate then shows up on that day with their ticket to get their plate.

I'm looking forward to home today. I guess I have a middle of the week slump, fairly regularly now.

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Jean, I asked the woman if along with her cornbread and beans she'd have free music! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I am going to order that beauty box from Walmart; if there's anything in there I can't use myself, well...there are always deployed female soldiers in need of all kinds of toiletries.

I just looked at the house next door on Zillow, and whereas it previously said "Pre-foreclosure," it now says "Off market." I guess someone bought it; it's going to need a lot of work, including replacing the rotted fence. I don't know what that woman was thinking when she bought it; there's no way she could afford to even keep up on the mortgage, much less maintenance, on what she earned.

BTW Jean, do you still have your kettle bells? I had forgotten I bought them until I opened the cabinet I stored them in... {#emotions_dlg.blush}

OK, off to Walmart!

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Arlene--I had forgotten about the kettlebells I had. I did give them to Good Will after a few uses convinced me we were not meant to be an item. I hope you enjoy that WalMart Beauty Box. The cost of the deodorant alone at Walmart was more than what I paid for shipping the box so the $5 total cost was well worth it.

Kathleen--Corn bread used to be big here. It used to be a Friday staple of school lunch when I was in elementary school. Then I would come home and face corn bread for dinner bread. I got burned out on it.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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RC, Have fun with your DD on Friday. It is nice that you can take your baby to work with you. How sweet that is. I was feeling down today too as I am really lacking in the sleep department. I hope you do get a pair of jeans that fit you "just right."

LL, Your ways to save money was fun to read. Right now I don't have time to shop. The last time I saw QVC was Saturday AMS. I did want to see Monday's show but we were gone all day.

ALL, Welcome aboard. I think Christmas shopping gets more overwhelming every year. Our GC are 9, 11 & 13 so they are into the electronic things too. We live 60 miles East of Dubuque.

FHG, That is such good news about the house being sold so quickly. We have never had bad neighbors so we are fortunate there.

Jean, I wish you the best of luck with your "tarnished angels." Today's kids are so different than when our DS & DD were in school. After being in the 80's for over a week it was only in the 50's on Tuesday. Today is sprinkley & in the 70's but they say 50's tomorrow & 40's by Saturday. Fall is definitely in the air. Jean thanks for your kind words to me yesterday. It is very difficult being the sole care taker when you have issues of your own. I know that I do need to take care of myself too, but it is very difficult at this time.

I am getting really tired & hope for a good night sleep tonight at our home. We did spend the last 2 nights at mom's house. Tomorrow we need to take her back to the UW-Clinic to have her left eye rechecked. So far she can see nothing out of that eye & very little out of the other eye.

Her eye drop schedule is still ever 2 hours during the day but I haven't had to get up during the night for two nights. DH & I did get her a few groceries today so she should be good to go. DH & I did manage to get to the dentist yesterday for our 6 mo. teeth cleaning & DH did get his bridge re cemented in so he can now eat properly again.

The social worker met with us at mom's this afternoon & it has been decided that she can start getting meals on wheels 7 days a week starting next Monday. That will be so wonderful for me at this time. It is very "taxing" having to pop over & put in eye drops every 2 hours. I think DH is as tired as I am right now too. I will be taking her dinner to her soon & doing her next eye drops at the same time. Then I hope to kick back & watch TV, read my Kindle or whatever else I feel like doing until it is time for her next eye drops. DH had some bananas that were on the dark side today so I did make a nice banana bread this afternoon. I hope mom enjoys it with her dinner tonight. Actually dinner tonight is chili in the crock pot that I made two days ago. Yesterday for dinner it was ham & scalloped potatoes that we had again today. Right now I don't really care what I eat. Prayers would be appreciated in this troubling matter.

Hugs to all of you.