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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Good is still hot today, but will cool down soon. We are going to Amies next week and the high for 2 of the days is in the 60s.


Nothing exciting here...m had another toilet replaced..The plumber is an interesting guy. He knows a lot about things relating to maintaining a home and he knows a lot of crafts men. Or I should say people.


Sydnie lost her driving privileges. She lied to her mom about not having friends in the car..I tracked her with my phone. She has trouble saying no, so we are going to practice that.


Lunda, great results on your blood tests. My cholesterol levels were very good on my last check in May. I am on a statin, unlike you. It sounds as if your hospice work is picking up. There was a dust storm in our area in Az with some microbursts that did some damage I. Our community. Our home is fine, but the pool had to be cleaned.


Claudia..hope your day is not too long today. I was very hungry after my scopes, but would always be very sleepy.,v said I was hilarious.


enjoy yiur day😇😇

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Hope R didn't forget about his special diet last night, Claudia.  Sounds like a good plan to take some food with you.  Your grass must be going crazy.


Glad M has a handy friend/plumber, Barbara. That is too bad about Syd lying, but good that M took action right away.  I'm sure the cooler weather will be much better.  Good about your cholesterol.


During the Zoom vegan meeting last night, one of the ladies called in from Montana where she was working.  It was 100 degrees there!  She thought she would be away from the heat, but no such luck.  Glad it didn't return to A's area.


Nothing new about our hot and dry weather -- today they are predicting 112 degrees.  It was already pretty hot on my early morning walk.


Unfortunately, the dentist visit didn't go well.  I had only seen this dentist once before, and she seemed nice and friendly.  This time, she was friendly enough, but started picking on my "Maryland bridges" saying that they should be replaced with the regular type.  That is not something I want to do unless there is a problem with them.  I know many dentists don't like them, but I've been happy since they didn't have to destroy the two perfectly good teeth on either side like they did with my first bridge.


In addition, she said that I had a lesion in my mouth, and needed to go to an oral surgeon and have a biopsy.  I asked for a local surgeon, but she gave me a referral to one who is 30 plus miles away.  The hygienist (who I love) couldn't really see the lesion (nor could I).  Anyway, after lots of back and forth, I decided to go to another local dentist for a second opinion.  Even if he agrees about the lesion, I hope he can refer me to a closer oral surgeon.  My appointment is next Wednesday morning.


Then, my Fitbit suddenly went black this morning.  I was able to get the logo back for a minute, but then it said it couldn't sync.  Anyway, I had purchased a three-year warranty, and the company said that if I send it back via UPS (they sent a label), they would send me an Amazon gift card for the purchase price.  Of course, that will take a while, so I went ahead and ordered a new Fitbit and warranty. The price had gone up (I think it was a special back in December 2019, but with Sparkpeople ending, Fitbit is even more important.


The classical music class I had this morning was okay, but I was distracted due to my issues plus DD's texts about one of the dogs being ill, car repairs on my SIL's car, etc., etc.  (Now the dog is okay and the car repairs are done). 


Glad I don't have any big plans for the afternoon, and have the ball rolling on the dentist and Fitbit.


Hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Today is cooler. It's in the upper 70's  with a breeze. I mowed most of the back lawn. R has had his medication and drinks.


I plan/hope to go to bed early and have things ready as much as possible for our 5 am drive.


I don't think Syd will try lying to her mother again, Barbara. Practicing saying "no" is a good plan. M is fortunate to have a plumber with contacts.


That certainly doesn't sound like a good dental visit, Linda. I'm glad you have an appointment for a second opinion. Between that and the Fit bit it's been quite a day and a half.


I need to go remind R to keep up the drinking. Water, coffee, juice, Gatorade.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Glad your weather was better yesterday, Claudia.  Hope R's procedure went okay, and you were able to get some rest last night.


As you may have read on the other thread, the warranty company already sent the Amazon gift card for the Fitbit.  If I had known they would be so fast, I would have used it to pay for the new one.  On well....


DD heard from the contractor, and they are planning to come on Tuesday to start the painting (weather permitting of course).  


The heat here has become just overwhelming -- day after day of 110 or more.  The AC is running a great deal, but doing anything outdoors is hazardous. On my walk, I saw a company working on someone's roof.  Even that early, it was way too hot.


I am waiting to hear from the hospice coordinator when the supplies are ready for me to pick up.  I usually don't like taking water with me when I make my deliveries since I might need to use the bathroom, but I think I will make an exception today.


Good that you are not in Arizona now, Barbara.  Hope you are feeling okay today.  


There was a fire in the nearby mountains yesterday evening and earlier today, but I think it has been contained.  With this dry and very hot weather there is no wonder that we are having so many fires.


Hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

I had a busy afternoon so did not have time to post until now. I went to the new knitting shop...absolutely love it. I learned how to wind yarn on a swift..much easier than trying to do it by hand. I knitted and chatted with 3vety nice ladies. And of course, I bought yarn for the baby blanket and a tote bag. I could do a lot of damage


i made an appt to have someone look at my foot.,the PA checked it out and said their podiatrist was there and was willing to see me.,So I am in a surgical shoe which takes the pressure off the ball of the foot., It is my new shoe style.


Linda.I know how devastating that heat can be...the fires near globe are affecting the air quality where we live.,fingers crossed for a cool down soon.Be careful,when you walk You are smart to have water with you all of the time.,


Claudia, hope your day has gone well. 

Nothing else to report here


Sleep well. 😘😘

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Barbara, it's great you could see the podiatrist so quickly. Not so great you now have a surgical shoe but the main thing is it takes the pressure of your foot. What fun to find a new knitting shop.


We left at 5 am. The procedure went well, kind of. They removed a polyp but lost it. Thanks to gastroparesis there were still a lot vegetables in his system. He also didn't tell me until we were on the way he'd had an "accident" in the half bath. So major cleanup when we got home. We went out for supper so neither of us had to cook.


Fingers crossed that the house painting gets started next week for your DD, Linda. I'm glad you're taking water with you all the time. Better to have to find a restroom than get dehydrated.


I can't wait to get to bed tonight. Have a good evening.


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Happy Friday...I am trying to adjust to walking in this orthopedic shoe I have.  It is like trying to walk with a shoebox on.  V drove me to the grocery store because I did not want to change shoes twice...I cannot drive with the big shoe on.,


I spent more $$ than I am used to, but I am buying for 4, not 2. I also purchased some very nice steaks for Fathers Day.


Linda..I forgot to mention that it is great yiu were able to replace your Fitbit.And hope dds painting got started.M got a much more reasonable bid this morning.She has one more coming this afternoon. Be careful in the heat. one of my friends ac quit so they are in a hotel for a few days.

Claudia..did you recover from yesterday??You most certainly do a lot of traveling for medical stuff. I know we are lucky to live in major metropolitan areas.


I am very pleased to see Juneteenth made a national holiday. I have been to several celebrations back when I was a principal. 

Sleep well 😇😇


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Good Afternoon from sizzling Arizona.  The pest control guy told me he has lived in the area for 30 years, and he doesn't remember it ever being this hot and dry for days and days.  Glad your friends could go to a hotel, Barbara.  I would be very concerned about trying to live without AC these days.


At least that test is over, Claudia.  Sounds like you and R had a very difficult day.  Good idea to go out for dinner, and I hope you were able to get some rest last night.


I can't picture your orthopedic shoe, Barbara.  Hope it helps, and glad V could drive you to the grocery store.  Definitely more expensive to have more people to feed, but I manage to spend quite a bit just for one person.  Happy M got a more reasonable estimate.  DD's painting isn't supposed to start until next Tuesday.


The new holiday caused my SIL some issues since he works for a government contractor.  Getting the word so late in the day made it impossible to give the day off to some of his subordinates, and they were not happy.  He ended up working late, but has the day off today.  I have to admit that I only heard the name Juneteenth for the first time a few years ago.  I think that I remember it being called "Emancipation Day".  


The hospice coordinator made another error with the deliveries, so I ended up going to someones home only to find I didn't have a box for that person.  Oh well....   There were more deliveries than the past several weeks, and it was very, very hot, so I was glad to have my water.  My senior lunch program "boss" saw me at one of my deliveries, and we had a nice (if short) chat in our cars.  One of our "regulars" just passed away, which is sad.  She still has no word about when the program will start again.


Depending on the heat and I how I feel, I may go swimming this afternoon.  If not, maybe tomorrow afternoon.


Hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.






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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

I'm glad V was available to drive you to the grocery, Barbara. Having to change shoes twice would be a hassle just to pick up groceries. Hopefully M will have 2 reasonable bids to choose from. 


I am still tired today. I did drive up to the vet and got more of Griffyn's foot medicine. Our Aldi's just reopened from a remodel. I stopped there on the way home.  What a difference. Much more open and it seems like more space.


Tomorrow morning we take an hour's drive for the train trip and WW2 reenactment. Last train to Remagen.  Rain is on the forecast. Hope it won't be a downpour.


I had heard of Juneteenth previously. A nearby small town was part of the Underground Railroad.


I am so glad you had your water with you yesterday, Linda. It's nice you saw your senior lunch program "boss". I hope the bats ate evicted and find a new home.


I need to figure what to wear tomorrow. Have a good evening and sleep well.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of June 13

Happy Juneteenth.  I think I told you that I have known about this day for many years. I always worked in schools with the majority of students were students of color. I remember going to some fun celebrations in neighborhood parks..  there was always great bbq.


Our former cleaning lady is coming to paint the kitchen and family room . She received very reasonable bids for the rooms with the vaulted ceilings.. 


Linda..hope there is some relief from the heat. I heard the pool at our place had water too warm to cool down in.

By the way, the prices for groceries here are very high compared to Az.


Claudia..your train trip sounds wonderful. Will wait for details.


enjoy yiur day.🌻🌻