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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

it is a much better day today. He was sedated last night because he was trying to tear out his IVs and tried to get out of bed.


When I arrived this morning, his doc was 2 minutes behind me. V apologized multiple times gor his behavior..Hecsaid he had no idea what was going on the past 2 days.


the plan s now to get him moved...Pt has started again...he was able to get to about 80 degrees sitting in bed. He was I. Pain but did it for a few minutes.


The goal is:Az before the snow flies.


Linda..I bet dgd is pleased with her weight loss.That was terrible about the length of time you had tonwait for your hearing aids.  Hope yiu enjoy your lunch.


Claudia, fingers crossed they can get the porch started.


Thank you both for your support and prayers. It means a lot.


I was almost t boned this morning on the way to the hospital.A commercial,truck ran a red light...fortunately there was a police car across the road at the same light, so siren and light on, he took off.yikes.


Have a good day.😘😘

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

Yikes, what a time V gave them yesterday trying to tear the ivs out and get out of bed. I'm very glad he is doing much better today. I know you are very relieved.  Thank goodness the truck didn't hit you. His retribution arrived quickly for running the red light.


Now V has the goal of AZ before the snow flies. I must say I'm  glad this didn't happen when you were traveling back. At least where you are you had the doctors and hospitals available.


We took Tippy up for grooming this morning and brought her home just a bit ago. It has been raining much of the day. I see the Wal-Mart entrance off the highway is flooded again. I mailed youngest sister's birthday card and filled up the gas tank.


Doing the porches first is my preferenve. At this point I just hope everything is in stock and arrives timely.


Relax and rest as much as you can.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon!  I'm so happy to hear about V's improvement, Barbara.  I actually woke up in the middle of the night worrying about him (and you).  Wonder what caused him to have such bad days.  Sounds like he will be okay, thank God.  Like Claudia, I'm glad this did not happen when you were on the road or at a place not near good doctors and hospitals.  Fingers crossed you will be back in Arizona before the snow comes. 


With all that, having almost been T-boned on the way to the hospital must have added even more stress.  Glad there was no collision, and the police were there to give the red light driver a ticket.


Hope the rain isn't too bad there, Claudia.  Good that you were able to get Tippy groomed.  Hope they do the porches first, and things come in stock in time.


The picnic was nice, but not well attended.  Two new ladies, the leader, and three of us who attended the last picnic.  The area looked very different after all the rain which produced vegetation that obscured signs, etc.  There were lots of flies and other bugs that were not welcome.  We discussed trips, clubs, etc., which is always interesting to me.


No big plans for the rest of the day -- perhaps some cleaning and an exercise DVD.  I will probably need a short nap as well.


Hope you and R have a nice evening and sleep well, Claudia, and you can get some rest tonight, Barbara.  









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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

Linda, I'm glad the picnic was nice even if it was not well attended. An added bonus was topics of conversation that were interesting to you.


I've been a bit of a grump today. I woke at  4 am to flashing lights out front. I thought it was an ambulance for my neighbor across the street but she is home and all seems well.. Apparently the twice monthly recycling pickup started real early. Couldn't get back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. Hopefully tonight is better. 


Saturday morning we will be driving the payment down to the contractor. I looked up directions and found the road that turns into his road is my maiden name. Just a bit of trivia. I know my great grandfather came from that area and family settled there after the Revolutionary War.


Have a good evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

Barbara @sydsgma1 thanks for updating us with such encouraging news about your beloved Heart  I continue to pray to St Raphael (medicine of God for the non catholics out there) for healing and complete recovery.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

@@Bernie..thank you so much for your prayers. I pray to my pain saint and the Blessed Mother. And his angels watch over him.


The transfer to rehab went well...The finer points of his ad mission are being worked e out. And that always takes a while. But he can take care of himself now. 

interesting ...there are no bed rails on the beds. The Mn legislature passed a law stating that bed rais were a form of restraints.SMH. 

Again, thanks for very thing.


by the way..his goal is to be in Az by October 15.😵‍💫😵‍💫

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

Oh for Pete's sake Barbara, that is @ssbackwards.  I'm not one for tying a patient down but bedrails help keep an unsteady patient from rolling off of those beds that feel like the rack.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

I'm glad V's transfer went well, Barbara. I would think no rails on the beds would equal more falls out of bed. I imagine V is pretty determined to get to AZ by the set date. I know you're relieved V can take care of himself now. I hope you're able to rest up.


A warmish day here. I did a few errands this afternoon. Also brushed several cats. Knock on wood I think Spookit is mat free.

Now she will stay that way. She still has Fitz washing her face and ears.


I'm trying to think of a toy for Nugget the cat with no eyes. The last toy that made a sound he drowned in the water dish. Guess he thought it was a threat so disposed of it. Smh.


I hope the hospice deliveries went well, Linda.


Have a good evening.


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

Very happy to know that V is in rehab now, Barbara.  Hope you do make it to Arizona in October.  Just by the way, Arizona has that same law/regulation.  I was able to have a bar for when DH was in bed at home, but in the facility they were not allowed.  Hospice provided a mat that was placed under and next to the bed in case he fell.


However, one of my Caregiver's husbands was in the same facility (not on hospice), and he fell out of bed and seriously hurt himself.  So dangerous.  But, the logic is that they are a form of restraint as you said.  Apparently, legislators had seen images of people in nursing homes/assisted living who were tied into their beds and/or wheelchairs and passed these rules.  DH didn't fall out of bed often, but we had lots of problems with him trying to get out of the wheelchair.  That was true of several other patients.


Hope you are able to get some rest now, and he continues to improve.


Also hope all is well with you, R, and your furbabies Claudia.


It has been a busier than expected day for me.  When I first turned on my cell, I found out that oldest DGS and his wife needed money since their landlord suddenly decided to sell the duplex they were renting.  And, they had recently spent quite a bit of money on medical expenses.


Very long story short, I spent a bunch of time transferring money to them.  They have already found a possible apartment, and hope to move next month if their application is approved.  In the meantime, they are both mega stressed.  She now has three jobs, and he is super busy at his job.  


After all that was done, I went to the grocery store and then to do my hospice deliveries.  After the first visit, I was having a lot of trouble seeing.  Of course, I was very upset and worried something was wrong with my eyes.  Then, I saw the right lens of my glasses had fallen into my lap (on the car seat).  I was able to go to the eye doctor, and they repaired it again.  Really hope this works.  This same lens fell out a few months ago.  And, this is the important one since the other is my "lazy" eye.


Fortunately, the deliveries went fine, and I am home safe and sound.  My friend Bev's PET test revealed her cancer has not spread, and they are recommending some radiation treatments.  She will have those locally, and hopefully they will do some good.


I need to do the hospice mailings this evening, and I am guessing that I will be tired early.


Hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.  You too, Bernie.






P.S. Middle DGS and his gf took a trip to Miami and she tested positive for COVID (despite having the vaccine and wearing masks)  No symptoms so far.  He tested negative, but they are being re-tested today.  They have a two bedroom place, so they can isolate and work remotely.  Youngest DGS had some contact with middle DGS (wearing masks at the gym), and he had a COVID test.  Regardless of the results, he will work remotely for a while.  Yikes.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics -- Week of August 15

That's good news for Bev, Linda. I'm glad you found the lens and were able to get the glasses repaired quickly. You must have had quite a time driving.


I hope eldest grandson and wife are approved for the apartment they found. Moving is stress they don't need. Fingers crossed your other 2 grandsons don't come down with Covid.


Bernie, I hope the wing amputation for Frances is without any problems. So fortunate your sister found her.