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Good morning..currently it is nice out but heat and humidity are on the way.  Nothing big planned . I keep looking at the garage and shake my


Claudia..all of the boxes are labeled but tye garage is full and v and I cannot lift and rearrange to find things. M and syd are not being too helpful right now. V 3 is going to be down in a couple of weeks and he can help. 

i found a great sale at Chico's and ordered 3 tops and a pair of shorts, so I am fine for clothes.


i decided to get m a new iPhone for all of the work she did to get the house in order.. She was quite thrilled.


i am pondering what to make for dinner...always the question of the day.



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Good Morning/Afternoon!  I can just imagine that garage stacked full of boxes. Definitely not a good idea for you or V to try and rearrange things there, Barbara.  Glad V3 can help.  Also glad you were able to find some clothing on sale at Chico's. 


Nice of you to get M the new phone, and I hope you find something good to prepare for dinner.  These days, every dinner I prepare is repeated at least once, so there is a lot less decision-making.  For years, I subscribed to "Women's Day" magazine, and I remember that they included monthly menus.  Not that I followed it (ever), but it did give me some ideas about what to serve.


Another uneventful day for me -- at least I hope so.  I will be attending "virtual" church and doing a bit of ironing, cooking, and cleaning  It was nice on my walk this morning, and our high for the day is 93, which is below average.  


The virus cases in Arizona are increasing, which makes me nervous about going out to stores, etc.  I am attending a bookclub meeting tomorrow afternoon (in person) -- just four of us, and we will be able to spread out in the host's house.


Hope all is okay there, Claudia, and you, R, and your furbabies are doing well.  Glad you were able to get a new mower.


Have a nice day and sleep well.









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Glad you found a great sale and are set for clothes, Barbara. What a lovely surprise for M.


Tried the reel.mower out. It's lightweight and works well. Hopefully it will continue to work well. I trimmed grass around the back steps and cut the weeds along the driveway and fence plus the fire ring and water barrel. R brought out the heavy duty weed trimmer and did the other side of the yard.


I also managed to vacuum upstairs and dust the bedroom. Poor Spot was so scared of the vacuum he hid on the stairs. When R opened the door and started up he must have felt he was caught between the devil and the deep. He crammed himself (well half himself) into a cubbyhole. Obviously thinking if I can't we you, you can't see me. He is the 30 pounder.


I hope you enjoyed your virtual church service, Linda and tomorrow's book club.

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Good is a hot and humid day so no garage work today. I located a bin of beautiful wool sweaters that I purchased on some of our European trips. I am donating all except my iris fisherman cardigan because they are too hot and haeavy for Az.


m is going to look at a couple of houses she might like. We shall see.


nothing else to report. Enjoy the day.🤓🤓

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[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon!  Sounds like you got a lot done yesterday, Claudia.  The church service yesterday was very good.


Sorry it is too hot and humid to work in the garage today, Barbara.  We are having great weather here -- not as hot and dry.  Perhaps a little too dry, but I'll take it over humid.  I'm sure ladies will love your donated sweaters.  Hope M finds a nice house.


I dropped off a banana bread for the senior lunch program director this morning, and found that I may have another volunteer opportunity.  Someone has donated restaurant dinners once a week to all the participants, and they need another driver to pick up and deliver them.  I should be helping with this effort Friday afternoon/evening.  I think (not sure) that I will be going with someone else who will show me the houses involved, etc.  They said that the houses are near one another, so it shouldn't take much more than an hour after I pick up the meals.  I think the donor picks a new restaurant each week.


This afternoon I have my bookclub meeting, and then I will be writing the meeting notes.  So, it is a relatively exciting day.  Just great weather on my walk this morning.  I decided to get up even earlier, and I think that will work out.  Of course, I woke up before the alarm went off, but I was happy to do some reading.  I'll probably need to get to bed earlier, however.


DD said DGD bed was being delivered today, and now she and my SIL have ordered a new bed in a box as well.  Their little dog went to the groomer, and he is a little more than six pounds!  Definitely not fat, but heavier than I expected.  


Hope both of your, your husbands, and furbabies have a nice evening and sleep well.






ETA -- unfortunately, there is at least one fire burning north of Tucson due to lightening strikes plus the dry, hot wind.  I thought it was under control, but it is not.  And, it isn't far from some housing developments.  Hope that they can get it under control.

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It's been a hot day here. 93° before supper. The dogs chased each other around the yard then gratefully came in to enjoy the air conditioning.


R called the hand neurosurgery that did his wrist reconstruction and got an appointment for mid July. His doctor retired he will see another. He's been having pain in it and it feels warm to the touch. Still having his hip and knee pain so he has a telephone appointment the 22nd with his VA doctor (she's currently on vacation).


I know someone will love those sweaters, Barbara. I have several that didn't get worn this year. Hope M soon finds a house she likes.


I hope the fire is soon under control, Linda. Enjoy your book club gathering. I hope there's someone to show you the houses for the meal delivery. It's good they're close together. I bet DGD is excited about the new bed.


I have my laundry folded and R's should be ready to put in the dryer.


Have a good evening.

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Good is going to storm later this afternoon...and m has another house to look at. E worked in the garage..trying to sort and toss before the movers come. My clothes are still buried


Linda..sorry your book club was such a disaster. I look at the rising numbers in Az and kind of glad that we are out of there. I am guessing more than a few white folks do not understand the reasons for the protests. 

Claudia..hope r can get some help for all of his pain..claudia..I would give my sweaters to Amie but she is very allergic to wool


tye weather in Az sounds pretty nice right now, Indra.


enjoy your day. 🌼🌼

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[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Hope R gets some relief for his pain, Claudia.  Seems like it takes quite a while for the doctors to see him.  Hot there -- it is still cooler than normal here, but should make it to 100 degrees plus starting tomorrow.  I had the windows and doors open this morning since it was so cool outside.


Hope M liked the house, Barbara.  This is quite a search.  Good luck in going through the garage.  I am not terribly allergic to wool, but mohair is not good for me.  Some types of wool work okay, but not in Arizona.


DD said the beds arrived, but they will not be opening the boxes until Thursday -- all sorts of plans.  Now they are ordering a larger truck to help with the moving on Friday since they will also be taking things to the dump.  Oldest DGS and his wife have their own Amazon account and joint e-mail now, so I was able to order a gift card for them (sort of a housewarming gift).  DD told me that she is saving for a new/used car, and I told her that I have been saving a little for her as well.  Not a rush, but her car is pretty old and has lots of miles on it.  She said DGD finally wants to get her drivers license, and when/if that happens, she could take over DD's old/current SUV.


The bookclub meeting was very difficult.  I have never been a good debater or like discussing controversial topics, but I felt compelled to share my point of view.  I also didn't appreciate the lack of concern or interest in social distancing.  Hopefully, I did not catch anything, but I don't understand not taking any precautions.  And, all three ladies were older than me -- at least two in their mid 80's.  


I received a call about the meal delivery, and it is earlier than I expected on Friday.  Also, there is a new couple located in a different part of town, so it may take longer than expected.  It may only be a two time job, but I will find out more later.


Hope both of you, your husbands and furbabies have a nice evening and sleep well.






ETA -- I saw there was a Linea show on today.  Did you order anything Claudia?





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I would have been upset too at the book club meeting, Linda. I hate to make waves but in this case I might have left. I hope the meal delivery goes well.


Your DD and family will certainly be busy the rest of the week.


Unfortunately R's appointment with his primary care doctor is again by telephone. His yearly physical was also via telephone reviewing his labs. Imo not seeing patients and only doing telephone consults is a big mistake on the VA's part. At least next month he will be seeing the doctor at Hand Microsurgery. It's a good thing R was already a patient there. If not I think he'd have to wait even longer than mid July.


At 5pm it was 100° according to the thermometer. Good thing I didn't look until after I trimmed at the back between the fences. Supposedly we will have storms starting tomorrow into Thursday and the temperature will drop.


I'm congratulating myself on remembering to go online and renew the car registration this morning.


Barbara, I hope M soon finds a house she likes. I always wear a shirt or Linea turtleneck under my Irish sweaters because of the itch factor.


Linda, I ordered the striped shirt in expresso. The fabric is said to be very lightweight.

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It is a cool afternoon. The house is closed up,..but it is a nice change. I am not doing anything today because my pain is pretty annoying.


M made an offer on a lovely home but she is in a bidding war which is the way things are going here. She improved her offer and her agent wrote a very nice letter about her.if she gets it, we will be comfortable coming home for the summer. We shall see.


Linda..your book club meeting must have been quite interesting. I love to discuss and brothers and I always do that when we are together. But that is how I was raised.

my dad would bring up a topic for discussion at dinner and we would all talk about it. 


sounds like oldest dgs is setting up his household..that is great.