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Good Afternoon!  It is sunny and warm out here, which I really like.  Hope the storm isn't too bad in your area, Claudia.  Also hope V is better, Barbara, and both of you are doing okay.


My cold/allergies seem better so far today, which is a relief.  But, I am trying not to get too excited since I felt very good on Wednesday and then not so well later in the week.  For the first time in my life, I am trying a nasal spray.  You only use it once per day, so I'm sure it is quite strong.  But, the label said it was good for my symptoms -- runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, etc.


I'm back from the gym, and I have my widow's grief group a bit later.  So far, I have not purchased anything for Fashion Days, which is not to say I have not looked.  I really, really don't need more clothing, and I keep reminding myself that is the case.


One of my former work colleagues passed away yesterday.  She was such a warm, intelligent, and friendly person.  I knew she was older than me, but the last I heard, she was doing okay.  Pretty sad.  Seems like so many people in my life are dying.  Reminder to enjoy life while you are able to do so.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

[ Edited ]

Linda, I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm sorry about your work friend. It's always a sad shock. Unfortunately it happens more and more as we age. 


Tip has been a little he!! raiser. Even Griffyn told her off today.


Snow started falling an hour ago. I hope the forecast of 1-3" was correct. . SE of us could get 8-10" I heard. Hopefully that won't be your DD's area.


Earlier I managed to move the old cat tree out of R's upstairs work room. It has been sitting there since we put a new one in the bedroom. That has been months. I put it on the upstairs landing before dragging it downstairs. The cats were thrilled.  Two of the 20 pounders immediately perched on it and Maggie sat on the bottom. They weren't so pleased when I took it downstairs and with R's help took the decrepit thing apart and put it out with the garbage.


We had meatloaf tonight. I tried a recipe using mushroom soup that had great reviews. I wasn't impressed with it.


Barbara, I hope V is feeling better and you can take it easy.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

Good afternoon..I was feeling crummy yesterday so spent some time resting. I get these weird little illnesses that I know are related to the ra.  Feel somewhat better but I am very tired....


nice day..I have been not doing too much. Today is bs bday..he is feeling better and his leg looks a little better..the dr told him that it might take a couple of courses of antibiotics to clear it up.


Linda..hope your sniffles are better..


Claudia..did you get hit by the big storm ???


I went to wallyworld yesterday morning to get some cough medicine and other odds and ends. If I would have worn my pjs I would have fit right


have a good evening, 🌻🌻

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

Sorry Tippy has been getting into so much trouble, Claudia.  I guess that is puppy behavior, but maybe a little more than some.  Hope your weather is okay.  DD said they had snow, sleet, and ice, but everyone was able to get out okay.  Army DGS was driving to Reserves on Saturday, and they texted him not to come.  He did make it on Sunday, however.  They are expecting very cold weather the next several days.  


Happy Birthday to V.  Glad he is feeling better, Barbara.  Sorry you were not feeling all that well yesterday.  RA is certainly a difficult disease.  I have seen those "people of Wal Mart" videos, but most of the people here are older and dressed pretty "normally" for their age (no PJ's, etc.)  Of course, there are exceptions.


I'm feeling so much better, and hopefully this cold and/or allergy problem is over.  The grief group was good yesterday, and I was the leader of "strong bones" today.  Then I went to a health fair --picked up lots of information and ran into several people I know.  Then I went to the bank, picked up a few things at the grocery store, and took a walk this afternoon.  I want to get to the nursery to get some plants, but that will need to wait until another day.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

We only got an inch of snow but it was cold today - 19°. Tomorrow wind chill may be -10°. Not looking forward to that.


Happy Birthday to V. I hope he was able to enjoy his birthday in spite of the cellulitis, Barbara. I have seen some odd outfits at the local Wal Mart. Most people dress normally but there have been a few times I wondered what people were thinking. I'm glad you feel a bit better. Do try to take it easy as you not only have the RA but it's been a stressful time for you. First V had the kidney stone and now the cellulitis.


Linda, I'm glad your Army grandson's Saturday drill was cancelled. It sounds like their weather will be pretty cold this week too. Fingers crossed your cold/allergy problem is over. You certainly got a lot done today.


Adam called a bit ago and we had a long chat with him. It was good to talk with him. He'll try to call back Thursday when the boys are there so we can talk with them.


My scarf arrived today but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd




Late good afternoon..I have had a fun and then getting together with some friends for the afternoon. I am feeling a bit better.


v and I had to do therapy on m last night...she is feeling very stressed ..Sydnie called and was scared so we had a good talk with m...I am going to suggest she call her dr when she is home next week.this is all part of her illness but yikes



Claudia good that you had a nice talk with is Tippy training going..


i am am awaiting my scarf.


Linda..hope your day has gone well..I got out my warm weather clothes...we are on kind of a roller coaster ride with temps.


sleep well. 🥰🥰

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

Glad you had a nice chat with Adam, Claudia.  Good that you will be able to talk to the boys on Thursday.  Have you heard from Whit lately?  It must be so difficult not to hear from her, but I guess it is her choice.  Not good.  


DD told me that her Father (my ex) has not contacted her since last summer -- by phone,e-mail, etc.  If she sends him an e-mail, he responds, but never initiates contact. And, he only talks about their work (he and is wife do various projects).  Plus, he did not send cards or e-mails for the grands birthdays, Christmas, etc.  I'll be interested to learn if he sends her a card for her birthday next week.  Life is too short for this sort of thing in my opinion.  Families can be so complicated.


Glad you had a good day and are feeling a little better, Barbara.  Sorry to hear about M.  That must be so hard for her and Syd.  I'm glad they have you and V to help.  Hopefully, the doctor will also help.


I feel like the cold/allergies are mostly gone -- thank goodness.  Last night my knee was hurting which kept me up a bit, but I'm hoping tonight will be better.  Funny thing is that it didn't hurt before I went to bed.  Go figure.


The senior lunch program went fine, and the gym went okay.  I'm getting some very confusing tax forms from DH's various investments, and I will need to make some calls to the firms and to the broker.  I'm trying not to stress out too much, but.....  


My Linea scarf came today, and I like it -- definitely a keeper.  But, somehow it just isn't quite as beautiful as I expected.  I think the print looks a little "fuzzy" or something.  Not enough of an issue that I don't like it, but.....  Don't know if it is just due to the color or not.  


It made it into the 80's today, and it should be that warm tomorrow.  However, I think they are saying rain and highs in the 60's toward the end of the week.  At least it isn't freezing or anything.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

Barbara, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and had a fun day. That's too bad M is so stressed. I hope the talk helped and she calls her doctor.


Tippy's training is 50/50. I woke up this morning with a cramp in my leg. I had no problem when I was up to the bathroom during the night. However when I got up this morning it was a different story. So I have hobbled around today. It's a bit better now and hopefully by tomorrow will be fine. I'm glad I did the necessary errands yesterday though.


 Linda, I hope you are enjoying warmer weather. It was a high of 19° here. I hope your volunteer work went well. 


Almost forgot. When I hobbled downstairs this morning quite a sight met my eyes. R had let the dogs out earlier. When he brought them in he didn't recrate Tippy. She found a whisk broom and proceeded to take it apart. Straw pieces all over the living and dining rooms.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd

Yes, families are complicated. Whit has cut Adam, R, and myself out of her life. She unfriended us on fb and blocked by phone. When Adam drops the boys back at her house he can't call or text he's on his way. One of the boys has to do it on their phone.


I don't know if this is all her choosing or if the boyfriend who is 10 years younger is very possessive. Adam said one of elder gs close childhood friends was to come spend a week when all of a sudden Whit stopped communicating with the parents. They contacted our former sil and hopefully the friend can come when he has the boys for a week. I know the boys call the boyfriend "dad" and were calling sil by his name till Uncle Adam had a talk with them.


It's a darn shame.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS - Week of March 3rd


Good is a beautiful day here..I would like to go to the pool but my energy is low. I have prednisone to take in la so that would help.


v is feeling better but his leg looks awful, so I tried to get him into a doctor. Everyone os booked so he will have to go to urgent care tomorrow again. Yikes


i May stay in la for a couple of weeks..I made the offer to m last night and she did not say no...we got her rent had to be done by cc and her only card is maxed. She will deposit the cash for me today, so I can pay my card.


Claudia..that is sad that ****** has cut her family off...I know sometimes people do that to make themselves feel better...m has tried that a few times but it never lasts very long.and I know how hard that is on the parents. We all need (((Hugs))))


Linda it is sad for your dd also...I wonder if people ever regret their actions that they do to their families. Enjoy your day is lovely.


i am going to pick up a bit and then read some this after noon.

