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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

It sounds like yesterday was pretty hectic, Linda. I hope today even with the lunch is less so. DD and family seem busy with all the college choices.


We had roughly 5" of snow when we expected 1-3, Barbara. When I take the 2 female kittens to the vet tomorrow I hope the roads are good. I will also check about scheduling Griff to be neutered. I hoped to wait longer till bone growth was complete but teenage hormones are running rampant. The loveseat is off limits since he went after TT who was sleeping there plus decided all the food dishes were his. I stopped having food out during the day and now separate them and have it out for a specified time morning and evening. TT in defending his rights left several marks on Griff's muzzle. I can't tell if Griff gave him any.


We're considering going back to the Chevy Impala or choosing the Buick LaCrosse. So far the Impala is winning.


Good for Sydney. Luckily the choice is not up to her.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Glad Syd got into the special middle school, Barbara, and that M will make the decision on her attending.  I know it is difficult to leave your friends, but I'm sure that she will make new friends and hopefully still see her friend from time-to-time.  DD was very upset when she had to change schools because we moved, but she got over it quickly.  Glad you had a good time playing cards, and you aren't in the very cold weather.  


Hope the roads are okay tomorrow, Claudia.  It is a shame you need to take care of Griff earlier than expected, but sounds like a necessity. Seems like Impalas have been around for many years.  I used to be a Ford/Mercury girl with the exception of a VW bug, Chevy Vega (horrible car), and my Honda.  Not sure what brand I would buy if I needed a new car, much less what model.  Hope I don't need to decide any time soon.


Today was much better -- a call from a higher up at hospice just checking that everything is okay.  She had heard about my concerns/complaints, and I think they will try to improve.


The financial guy was sick, so our appointment was moved to next Tuesday.  And, I need to go to the tax attorney next Wednesday to sign some papers to do with transferring the house deeds from one trust back to the other.  Once I sign, it needs to be signed and notarized by his two kids.  So, it will take a while.  Still, I'm happy that the lawyer is moving pretty fast.


It was much better not having to worry about DH while I was at the senior lunch program today, and I decided to go ahead with three days a week at day services.  They were fine with the idea, and the director even told me that he seems to be doing better -- getting in and out of chairs, talking, etc.  All that is good, but he had an accident in his pants first thing this morning -- that always upsets me, but I got over it.  Thank goodness it was trash day.


One of our lunch program participants passed away last week -- I know he was having lots of trouble breathing, etc.  He was quite a character -- often grumbling, etc., but he had his soft and nice side.  Sorry to hear of his passing, but I guess it was his time.


I managed to do most of my gym workout (all but one exercise) before I picked up DH, so I'm happy about that.  Tomorrow is the urologist visit -- I'm excited because the urologist is near Trader Joe's, and I haven't been there for quite a while.  But, the drive up there is no fun.


Hope both of you sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

Oddly enough Linda, my 1st car after graduating college was a Chevy Vega. It was one of the so called Millionth Vegas. Orange with white striping and power steering. Unfortunately something went wrong after 3 years. Maybe the engine. I remember driving the WV roads with it the year I taught down there. Previously when I student taught I drove my grandparents' old car- an Impala. Since that model was old in the early 70's, Impalas have been around quite a while. Over the years we stayed mostly with the GM product except for a Ford Aerostar van whose transmission went, a Renault that was car of the year (not) and a used Honda R insisted on whose frame was cracked in 2 places.


It's been snowing steadily since R left to bowl.


I'm sure it's a great relief not worrying about DH at the lunch program. Sorry about DH and his accident though. It's good things are moving right along with the lawyer. I remember my long drawn out situation with a local lawyer over mother's few funds.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

Good Morning!  That is funny about your Chevy Vega, Claudia.  I think the engine went on ours as well.  My ex and I were looking at used Mercedes (no joke, we were young and stupid), and after figuring repair costs would be too steep, went to the Chevy dealer.  The salesman talked us into taking out a car loan, and into the Vega.  The car had AC, but if I turned it on, the car overheated and died out.  Back in those days, AC was not always included like it is today.  Guess I was right about Impalas being around for a very long time.  Hope you like whatever car you find.


They had a story in the local paper about the car that ran into the library meeting room  -- the driver was 97 years old.  I'm wondering if it was a 97 year old driver I know.  Hope not.  Fortunately, neither he or his female passenger were injured.  But, it will take a while and cost some money for that room to be repaired.  This is the busy season in our area, so everyone is scrambling to find alternative meeting rooms for various clubs, etc.  


It is a sort of relaxed morning for a change since we don't need to leave for the doctors for a while. Cool here (about 32 degrees when I got up), but our highs should be in the 60's, and it is sunny.  Hope your weather isn't too bad, Claudia.


And, I hope things are gong well with you, Barbara.  How are your knees doing?


Have a nice day!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

Good morning. I am going to play piano duets for a while with a new friend. I will see how my hands hold out. V is going to go grocery shopping for me.


the light in the laundry room went out and it is turning out to be difficult to replace because we have high ceilings. I told v I want to be here when he is up on the ladder. Yikes. 


I talked to Sydnie last night about the arts school. M printed a brochure for her and she is pretty excited about all of the elective choices...many more than at the other school. 


The he heat pump got fixed yesterday...a bit of money but better than having to buy a new one. I would like it to warm up soon.  I told you that it is very cold in Minnesota.


Linda, hope the urologist appointmentgoes well. It is too bad that dh is having so many accidents. 


My my first car was a Volkswagen bug.  When v and I got married, he converted me to Ford and Mercury cars. Now we are fans of my Prius.


my knee is not good but better. 


More later.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

I hope the urology appt. went well, Linda. R has one early February. I need to remind him to have lab work done. Such a shame about the man driving into the library. At least noone was injured. Grandpa did that to a store front in town. There was diagonal parking back then.


I hope V listens and waits to climb the ladder when you're home, Barbara. I'm glad the heat pump did not need replaced. My brother in Nashville had to replace his. M had a great idea- showing Sydnie all the elective choices.


It was a horrible drive this morning to the vet with the kittens. We had quite a bit more snow and it was slippery. I never went above 40 mph. Mostly 35. The vet technicians weren't sure I would manage to get there. Going home through an empty stretch it showed air pressure was low on a tire. 26 instead of 35. I checked it once home and added air. I also found the other 3 tires were only 29 and 30 so took care of those too.


My former partner swears by Toyota as does my neighbor across the street.


 Griff is scheduled at the vet for early February.


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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

No, we dd not win the Played bridge this morning and v is playing again this afternoon. I am going to clean a bit...dusting is definitely needed.  


I I ended up calling my orthopedic dr yesterday and will see him at the end of the month when I am home. He wants to make sure the knee is okay since it is not completely normal. I am going to have an interesting 2 weeks because I was due for my infusion yesterday.


need to figure out something for dinner.


Claudia, your drive sounded awful yesterday. I never enjoy driving in bad weather although I have done it many times.


Linda, how did yesterday go????


v got the light bulbs replaced but they are not very bright so he thinks it may be the ballast. We may have to hire that out.


i will check back later.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

No lottery winner here either. I'm sorry you have to wait longer for the infusion, Barbara. Our drive to the VA was miserable starting out but it did improve. It took us nearly 2 hours though one way for a two minute appointment.


We stopped at the car dealership on the way back. Monday we will be picking up a Chevy Impala. It is very comfortable and is much easier for R to get in and out of. I will need to study up on it as there are many changes since we last had an Impala. I was very happy with the Chevy Cruze but missed having cruise and a few other options.


Adam picked up his Athena and Merry at the vet's this afternoon and brought them home. He has been teaching his Zeus to sit on his shoulder like Athena does. This morning while I was getting dressed I bent over to put my tights on. Guess who hopped on my bare back. Thank heavens the vet trimmed his claws last week.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

No lottery winners here either.  I wasn't planning to buy a ticket, but I happened to be in the grocery store on Tuesday, and saw the lines.  When I said are you interested in standing in line to buy lottery tickets, DH said yes.   So, I bought two tickets which only had one of the winning numbers on them.  


I forgot to mention something funny about the library/car incident -- the club meeting in the library was a knitting group (they make hats, etc. for poor children in Mexico and maybe Tucson).  Anyway, the reporter interviewed one of the ladies, and she said there was a loud noise when the car came through the wall, and some of the ladies probably dropped a stitch.  Knitter humor.


So sorry you need to wait two weeks for your infusion, Barbara -- hope that you won't have too much pain.  Good idea to have your knee checked.  That is a shame about the light -- definitely good to hire someone to look at it.  


I hate driving in bad weather like that, Claudia.  Glad you made it okay, and I hope you love your new car.  Your furbabies certainly keep you on your toes, don't they?    Did you see that Jean bought a Chevy Cruze?  It sounds like a nice car, but the Impala sounds like a good choice for you.


DH's appointment went very well yesterday.  The doctor took him a bit early, and we were in and out quickly.  The doctor gave us samples of a new overactive bladder medicine since the other one didn't seem to be working that well lately.  He also told me that I should not give DH beverages with caffeine.  Fortunately, that is not a problem for him.  I don't know if I could handle a caffeine ban.  


After his appointment, I went to Trader Joe's and had lots of fun buying stuff.  I sure wish I lived closer to one, but.....  And, then I went through drive-through rather than out to lunch so that I could get home and register for my classes.  I signed up for three classes, and I hope that won't be too much.  English history, a travel class (each week a different place), and something about and gender studies.  I have never had anything like gender studies, so that should be interesting.


I had strong bones today -- only one other lady showed up, but it was good.  The hospice nurse came this morning rather than this afternoon, and her visit went quite well.  Much better than when she had the trainee, etc.  Then, we went to the gym (mobbed), and came home for a late lunch.  I plan to take a walk now, and then come home to make an apple cake for my potluck tomorrow.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 10

I hope DH's new medicine helps. It's nice to have samples so you can see if it helps. I imagine some of the knitters dropped a stitch or two. Lol.


I hope Jean enjoys her Cruze. Ours was just a basic but we had few problems. The only thing I can think of offhand is the ratcheting noise when I put it in park and they replaced the part that was acting up. Very good safety record, mileage, a huge trunk for its size, and good legroom. What's not to like?


Those classes sound interesting, Linda.


Snow is forecast for Monday when we pick up the car and Adam takes his Zeus to the vet to make sure his sniffles are gone.