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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 1,2017

Good morning..I am feeling better today...sometimes I have a fever when I flare...just need to sleep it off. We are going out in a bit to find a recliner for v at lazy boy. I think I mentioned that his current chair is making his back hurt. 


Nothing else on on the agenda for today.


it has been below zero at home for the past few days and Pepper hops fron paw to paw when she goes out yo potty. I found a recipe for a cream to put on their paws to prevent pain from very cold weather. I think I will send it yo Syd...she could make it.


Claudia...good you could get meds for gryff so ears. Would foggy stairs help them get into your cars. We just pick 10 pound Pepper up. 


Linda..hope you are having a good day.



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 1,2017

Happy to hear you are feeling better today, Barbara.  Hope you find a nice chair for V.  DD is planning to order some furniture covers for two Lazy Boy recliners she inherited from my Mom.  Since Mom passed away 18 1/2 years ago, you know that they are good chairs.  Backaches are so painful.  Hope that the chair is a good solution for V.  Poor Pepper with the cold feet.  Hope the recipe you found helps. 


Also hope your day is going well, Claudia.


I decided to make some applesauce in the crockpot since I found a 3-pound bag of apples at the 99 cent store.  The apples were pretty small, so it took a while to peel and chop them, but I'm sure I'll like the final product.


Not doing much else today.  Took my walk and the laundry is going.  And, I will do my weekly financial review later.  DH was doing very well when I saw him, and we walked around the facility several times.  A few of the other residents are not doing nearly as well -- falling, sleeping during the day rather than at night, etc.  Such a difficult life for them and the caregivers.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Posts: 3,221
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 1,2017

Back pain is miserable.  I hope V found a chair that is comfortable. When I was working we got new desk chairs. The new chair was so painful for me to sit in my supervisor and I had to switch it for one of the conference room chairs.


I'm glad you're feeling better,  Barbara. I think Amazon sells something called paw wax. I've never tried it.


Enjoy the applesauce,  Linda.  The peeling and chopping is what  I'm not fond of. I've been washing dishes in the bathroom sink. Not fun.


I'm delighted your DH is having such a good day.


I went out earlier and had my hair trimmed Not sure I'm totally happy with it. I may wash it again and see what I can do.


R is heading home tomorrow. He said the cabin was 105 degrees with the wood stove going. I told him  he had his own sauna. When he went to cook breakfast for himself he found the eggs frozen. They were kept in a separate area. at least there's been no accidents this time.