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Re: My Resale Shop Treasure-of-a-Coat Find Today

@Hoovermom wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

Sorry, but by you wearing real fur makes you appear that you support the slaughter of innocent animals for your wearing pleasure. Sure, you didn't originally buy it but you still bought something with real fur.  Unacceptable!

She gets to decide what is acceptable and unacceptable for her, not you.

@Hoovermom  Thank you.  Smiley Happy   For the many other posters above with kind well wishes, thank you also.


@cherry   From the silhouette of the coat, which I didn't go into much detail about in my post so your post guess was quite reasonable, I'm thinking it's early '60s (yikes - over 50 yrs old!).  It reminds me a lot of things Jackie Kennedy wore (I was around then).   The sleeves are probably shorter than long sleeves on most - although they come to my wrist in a perfect place)  and I can see some woman wearing long gloves underneath them.  Very Jackie-O actually.  


@Judaline  Loved your interesting post.  I'm glad you gave the coat away to someone else who would use it.   I called a friend in the state of WA who trolls thrift stores and told her about my find last night, and she told me a story similar to yours.  She had found a mint condition wool coat in a thrift store (black) with a white mink collar that she wore for years and years and ended up "wearing it out" and then giving it away also when it got too shabby for what she wanted to wear.  I love that these old items find new life with other people.  I love that mind is in brand new condition too because it would cost an arm and a leg to have it dry cleaned.


@Biftu my LOGO friend, I hope you see this thread (first post).

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: My Resale Shop Treasure-of-a-Coat Find Today

@Pearlee When you described the sleeves, the light dawned. I could see it exactly. Probably in Vogue magazine back in the day. And yes, with long gloves. They say everything comes back. I wish the long gloves would. 

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Posts: 5,891
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: My Resale Shop Treasure-of-a-Coat Find Today

@Pearlee, your coat sounds like a real find and one you can treasure. I imagine the woman who originally owned the coat had exquisite taste and took care of her clothing items.