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I'm trying to picture a leg "gapped out in a triangle shape" and just can't do it.  Does this mean she stands with her legs so far apart so that if you stare at her legs, they (along with the ground) form a triangle?  Maybe it means she puts one foot on the inside of the other foot's knee.  That would form a triangle too.   Oh, or maybe knees together and toes together at the same time.  That forms a very awkward triangle shape that would appear that one needed to find a restroom on an urgent basis.  Maybe that's it.  Smiley Happy

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 Carissa used to stand that way also but I have not seen her in awhile.

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Very insightful of you,  what you state make alot of sense.   

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love Taylor, her face, her pretty blues, her smirk when she finds something funny, her poses, her blonde hair, her delightfully different everything from all the other girls at the Q, and yes - her size L - she is AWESOME as she is.

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I like Deanna, Kate & Aday.  

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I’m glad I’m not the only one to see this. For me she gives a quick, short smile and then her eyes go to ice. It’s like a runway look? Creepy 🤷‍♀️
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@MoonieBaby wrote:

love Taylor, her face, her pretty blues, her smirk when she finds something funny, her poses, her blonde hair, her delightfully different everything from all the other girls at the Q, and yes - her size L - she is AWESOME as she is.


I agree! She's stunning and beautifully proportioned!


I did think she was overly seductive in her facial expressions when she first started but she's done a great job of toning it down of late and I don't see her do it anymore

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Registered: ‎09-14-2010

She does not come off as the friendliness person in the world. Totally bored look too.

But, she is not the only one...


I think that a lot of times her tops are too tight, especially in the hip area. But then again half the time I do not think any of the models wear the correct size they should be.


And for the models stance - well let’s just say there is room for improvement there also for sure....


Between the crossing of the ankles or the extreme jutting out of one leg - I really do not know which is worse actually... both of those stances look stupid.



-Texas Hill Country-