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I have noticed that the blonde model Taylor is always in clothes too tight  They say she is a large, but her clothes are always super tight.  Also, it bugs me to no end that she always stands with one leg gapped out in a triangle shape. Just a peeve of mine.

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I think Taylor is a large on top and an extra large on the bottom.  I think she is so pretty!

That stance with the one leg gapped out, pretty sure that's learned in modelling school to make your legs look slimmer.

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     She has great eyes.  I agree about the triangle model stance!!!  It almost seems like someone told her...this is the way models stand all the time!!  Maybe one of the other girls can mentor her a bit.....

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i don’t get it either. the stylist dresses some of the models in jackets or blazers that obviously can’t be buttoned or zippered up, and then on the screen, it shows the models’ height and clothing size information. how can you possibly find the correct for yourself if you have the same statistics? 

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did I hear host, Sharon F. say this is her last week here at QVC ? During the Lola Rose Presentation.

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I just notice it alot with Taylor.--the wrong sized clothing thing Jackie is a large and her clothes fit and she does not do that stupid leg gap thing all the time.  Is Taylor uncomfortabe and trying to make us think she is smaller is that the point?

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@erica g wrote:

I have noticed that the blonde model Taylor is always in clothes too tight  They say she is a large, but her clothes are always super tight.  Also, it bugs me to no end that she always stands with one leg gapped out in a triangle shape. Just a peeve of mine.

Yes.  Several l of the large models stand with one leg in an odd position...  Taylor is the worst in standing this her leg is malformed.....Maria with the dark hair stands like that too.


Did 101 in modeling rule say for large models to stand with thigh GAP? 🤣😄

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Taylor is pretty, but for some reason, I did not like her the first time I saw her.  I don't know why.  I got some kind of vibe or attitude from her that bothered me.  Strange.  I think all the other models are great.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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I have my own theories about why Taylor and many other models wear clothing that appears too tight.


First, l notice that most celebrities dress in tight clothing. Since these celebrities fancy themselves as trendsetters, many women (myself not included, lol) want to copy them.


Second, if we the customer get used to seeing the models in too-tight clothing, and jackets that can't be zipped up, we'll think it's supposed to be that way. So we won't return clothing to QVC that ordinarily would be considered ill-fitting. This translates into more profits for the Q.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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@Steeler 20   Yes, Sharon is leaving the Q, too bad I have always enjoyed her, much better than the new hosts.   As far as the models, I cannot understand why they are in the wrong size more times than not, jmo.