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sorry...gotta call out this LOGO mania. The tops are all exactly the same,peplum w ruffle. The fabric is cheap. The colors and patterns are dreadful!!! AND it is very expensive!!!! I don't get it!!! Anybody else with me??? This is the Emperoer's new clothes!!!

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@amydoc wrote:

sorry...gotta call out this LOGO mania. The tops are all exactly the same,peplum w ruffle. The fabric is cheap. The colors and patterns are dreadful!!! AND it is very expensive!!!! I don't get it!!! Anybody else with me??? This is the Emperoer's new clothes!!!

This line appears to be popular..but as a petite woman, I just can’t pull off the style.  Way too much fabric for me.  And...Yes..all the tops look the same.....

I was just going through my wardrobe and the brand I like best is Jones New York...

I have tops that are 10 years old and they still look like new.  I also like Ralph Lauren sport.  Classic clothes that never go out of style.  I’m sticking with them.    

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Just when you thought this line couldnt' more tacky....

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@Mombo1 wrote:

@amydoc wrote:

sorry...gotta call out this LOGO mania. The tops are all exactly the same,peplum w ruffle. The fabric is cheap. The colors and patterns are dreadful!!! AND it is very expensive!!!! I don't get it!!! Anybody else with me??? This is the Emperoer's new clothes!!!

This line appears to be popular..but as a petite woman, I just can’t pull off the style.  Way too much fabric for me.  And...Yes..all the tops look the same.....

I was just going through my wardrobe and the brand I like best is Jones New York...

I have tops that are 10 years old and they still look like new.  I also like Ralph Lauren sport.  Classic clothes that never go out of style.  I’m sticking with them.    


@Mombo1   ITA, but as another petite and classic dresser, it’s not just too much fabric, but too much color/print/flourishes on one piece. 

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I ordered the black and crimson, guess I have bad taste


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Another day of LOGO bashing.  Same comments different day.

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I am grateful there are choices in fashion.


I find a lot of Ralph Lauren and Jone NY things to be dowdy and boring. I like some of the LOGO things.


"Classic" fashion is not automatically better. Colorful and creative is not automatically worse. 



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@Lipstickdiva wrote:

Another day of LOGO bashing.  Same comments different day.



@Lipstickdiva   I don’t think it’s “bashing” if we’re stating what we don’t like and why. It’s no different that saying certain boots are ugly and clunky, makeups are yellow and not flattering, handbags are heavy because of hardware. Please check those forums. Brand names are mentioned with those products, too. 

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I like it. Since I dress to please myself, I don’t really care what you think.
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I bought the black last night. Couldn’t decide which of the other colors to buy. Seriously considering both the red AND the plum.



ETA ..... went and bought the RED!  Saving plum for later.