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Just heard on the news Kohls had disappointing holiday sales numbers.  May be closing some stores like Macys, Sears and Kohls.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

i did my part......i did buy some gifts from kohls this year.....the 30% off and extra $10 off and sale pricing on the items i wanted to buy helped quite a bit.

i have to get back this week to return one item and use my kohls cash.

our store seemed pretty busy so i hope that ours will not be one to close.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

I buy most of my basic short and long sleeve tees at Kohl's. Craft and Barrow tees are good quality. I just bought 4 long sleeve tees on sale last week.  I have also bought underwear, pjs, and jeans there. I would hate to see mine close. 

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

[ Edited ]

I really try to like Kohl's. They have a nice home department and have good sales with great coupons. However, every time I shop there, it's just not shoppable. The racks and tables are disheveled with clothes on the floor. The aisles are narrow and I don't think the clothing is presented well. The racks are overstuffed and hard to shop. Selection is lacking, I find one of these or two of those, but never find my size. If I do see something I like in the home department, I usually end up looking online to see if it's available to order. I won't do that with clothing, however, as I want to try it on before I buy. 


I worked in retail enough years to know that a messy store is a result of understaffing. Because of budget restraints, the store managers aren't able to have enough staff to maintain the departments properly.


It's sad really.  I've seen a real decline in brick and mortar retailing over my 25 years in that business. I've worked for three different companies  over the years and all three stores I worked for were eventually closed. I kind of feel like the grim reaper of retail. 😕


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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

So many stores and restaurants closing in our area recently. We have a Macy's and K--Mart closing. Would hate to see Kohl's close too. 

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

I have always liked and bought my cotton knit nightgowns from Kohl's - Croft & Barrow brand.  They were a nice weight, and held up well after washing.  However, this fall/winter season, I noticed the gown fabric was much lighter and thinner for the price - not a good value at all for me, so I did not buy.

Decided to spend a little more for the Miss Elaine brand at Macy's, using sales and coupon discounts of course.

“There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.” —Jackie French Koller
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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

Over the last two yeasr I have tried shopping at Kohls but I either cannot find what I am looking for, or the stores have just been an unorganized mess, I went into 3 separate Kohl stores over the holiday, walked in and basically walked out, I used to always find something at Kohl's but not anymore!

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

@ agree with  @Maltichonmom17  post.  I never understand why the people in charge of Kohl's and trying to increase  profits don't stop the overpurchasing.  There are just too many clothes purchased by the company and much too much left over at the end of a season, in addition to all the racks being overstuffed during the season as she posted.


In fact, I'm on my way to return a couple of things there this afternoon.  I will say that Kohl's has great prices on Cuddl Duds and I love its return policy.  I also agree that it's a great place for basics such as plain tees, turtlenecks and socks.   

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

[ Edited ]

I shop at Kohl's online and in the store. I find that in the store they do not have the petite shorts so I buy online. I was in the store last week and I found the aisles of the petite section to be in disarray. They seemed to have the same stock. I have found that JC Penney's offers better discounts. The cashiers are more customer friendly and they try to give you the best price on your merchandise. The other day I had a 15% discount coupon and the woman told me she could give me a 20% discount by using my JC Penney card. I have bought sweaters that were not priced correctly. I brought it back to the store and they gave me an extra discount because of the error. I am more inclined to buy from them. I hope neither stores close because I live in CO and they are the only stores close to my home. The mall is a 30-35 minute drive one way.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

Kohl's, like most other retail chains, offer poor quality Asian imports that look worn out before even purchased. I am sick and tired of the poor quality. I don't care how many coupons they offer if they're selling junk. At least online options give us the choice of decent quality at competitive prices. These retailers are paying the price for offering consumers their cheap cr@p. I have little sympathy for them. They put short term profits ahead of long term gain.