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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

I shop Kohl's online first, decide what I want, then go into the store to look for it.  Oftentimes, as others have noted, the department looks like a bomb went off.  Good luck finding anything.  So I place an order at the in-store kiosk - orders placed there get free shipping.  Of course, the screen on the kiosk is so large that anyone behind you in line or browsing racks within ten feet can see what you're entering.  But that's another problem.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

Shopping in a store is not the future of shopping. Online is convenient, less expensive for the business and a win win for everyone.  Might as well accept the reality that big box department stores are a dying breed.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

That is surprising with all the sales and cash back they offer.  It's too bad.  I did not contribute to Kohl's holiday numbers.  I hope they make a come back.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

@Katcat1, Unfortunately, in retail bottom lines as customers we may like coupons and cashback deals, but for a struggling retailer they are like a person with a drinking habit hanging out in a bar... not often a successful formula.  There may be an increased flow of customers, but with those customers overall paying much less for the merchanside the profits don't increase enough to significantly raise the company profit margins.  

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

My Kohls store is the victim of frequent shoplifting.  They must spend a fortune on store security.  I've never been thrilled with the clothing but I do shop in the bedding and housewares departments.  


I prefer to buy in person so even though this store leaves much to be desired, I hope it doesn't close.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

The store in my area is within the top 5 Kohls stores in sales.  It's very surprising considering the area I live in.  However, they also have a huge problem with shoplifting and according to local police, management has said if they don't get that under control, top 5 or not they are pulling out. That would be a huge shame.


I did very minor shopping in Kohls for the holiday.  I'm just not a big fan.   

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

My Kohl's store is also a jumbled mess. It's my understanding that they, along with other retailers, have stopped selling off their older out of season clothing to stores such as Ross and TJ Max in an attempt to sell these items themselves. Consequently their stores are over crowded and not customer friendly. I won't shop at a store where I have to comb through racks and racks of old out of date clothing to try and find something I like, only to then discover that my size isn't available. This store behavior is penny wise and pound foolish, IMO. It makes me feel like I'm shopping at Salvation Army. At least shopping there would be helping the disadvantaged.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

@ValuSkr wrote:

I shop Kohl's online first, decide what I want, then go into the store to look for it.  Oftentimes, as others have noted, the department looks like a bomb went off.  Good luck finding anything.  So I place an order at the in-store kiosk - orders placed there get free shipping.  Of course, the screen on the kiosk is so large that anyone behind you in line or browsing racks within ten feet can see what you're entering.  But that's another problem.

I had no idea you could do that - thanks for the info!!  The store by us is always a disaster and I only shop when I have a 30%.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

I know this is not answering the question about Kohl's but I wonder how you post someone's reply in your answer. I have yet to figure that out. Thank you for your help.

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Re: Kohls poor sales numbers

[ Edited ]

@Phantom41 wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

I shop Kohl's online first, decide what I want, then go into the store to look for it.  Oftentimes, as others have noted, the department looks like a bomb went off.  Good luck finding anything.  So I place an order at the in-store kiosk - orders placed there get free shipping.  Of course, the screen on the kiosk is so large that anyone behind you in line or browsing racks within ten feet can see what you're entering.  But that's another problem.

I had no idea you could do that - thanks for the info!!  The store by us is always a disaster and I only shop when I have a 30%.

@Phantom41  Not only that, every single time a manager has helped me at the kiosk for one reason or another, he/she always puts in the 30% off code as a courtesy, no matter what code (15% or 20%) I was entitled to from my mailer or coupon.  A win-win!  I think you should ask for help using it.....  Smiley Happy