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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Did you see Isaac the other night? He was all dressed in black and was talking about wearing color. He was describing himself and said when he has time he likes to wear color, not like the Uncle Fester that comes to QVC to sell you clothes. I laughed so hard, he can really be funny.

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Wish I'd seen that.

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I like Isaac. One thing you can say about the man, what you see is what you get. He's no fake.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Love Isaac. He makes me laugh.

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What fun he must be to work with. He always seems so relaxed and happy and I wish I could just pick up the phone and call him for a little pick-me-up to my day. I've noticed some hosts and vendors mimic him. I right? Love me some Isaac.
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I love him. I think he is very funny and humble and sincere.

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I can see people saying that Isaac makes them laugh, but how can anyone who has never even met the man know that he is a humble and sincere person. He's so sincere that he says that you can wear any print with any print and any color with any color and there are no rules when it comes to fashion. Sincere, huh? He just wants you to buy his clothing. Period.

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I don't know Issac but I do like his ""on screen"" persona. I do love his clothes so I enjoy him greatly.

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I do t think Isaac is humble in any stretch...he loves to be center stage from what I see but he is a very fun and funny personality during his shows.Love to watch him with Shawn .
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On 2/2/2015 darcy3 said:

I love him. I think he is very funny and humble and sincere.

I think he is humble too. Do you see how embarrassed he gets when he talks with a caller and they praise his items and talent. He's so cute.