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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

I can't believe pjs and wet hair. I had a telehealth appointment this week, on St Patrick's Day. So I was dressed nicely with my hair and makeup done. I'm doing that every day for myself, I have to. It's a little thing that helps me keep going.

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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

Do what you feel comfortable with.


I always do my makeup and hair daily but since working from home I probably would have just had sweats and a tee on.

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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

Hard to believe your co-workers used such poor judgment as to wear sleepwear to a business meeting.  You did the correct thing in wearing business casual.  The rest will be remembered for what they wore.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

[ Edited ]

@wildcat fan 

I'd venture to guess that you're the best dressed most days of the week! The fact that they showed up as they did says a lot about them


@wildcat fan 

That sounded more judgmental than I meant it to. I simply mean that they probably don't take the effort when they come into the office either; it's not a priority


“Rap is to music as etch-a-sketch is to art”

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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

Here’s the thing. I wasn’t hired for a remote position. I didn’t want a remote position. My home is not set up for me to work remotely. Nonetheless, here we are. My desk is set up in a corner of my bedroom. My kid is doing school down the hall. It’s an exceptionally stressful time my family, my staff and for their families. If my people are productive working in their jammies, I honestly don’t care. Whatever it takes to make them as comfortable as possible during these difficult days.
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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

   @wildcat fan 

Your meeting was part of your workday, you dress appropriately for work.



Had to laugh at your post.


 Oh, my!  Wet hair??




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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

You did the Right thing as you were showing respect for your job and the meeting you were "attending". I bet anything your boss noticed. 

I'm not leaving the house at all but I still shower and do my hair everyday. I still care about how I look and what hubby has to look at!

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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

I think I would fall in the middle. No way would I have wet hair or wear PJs! But, I probably wouldn’t wear a button down shirt (although, to be honest, that’s just not my style in general.) I would probably still do light makeup and definitely blow dry my hair as usual, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to style it either. Maybe a tee and a cardigan or a comfy sweater.

I think it’s crazy that they would make fun of the OP, but not the person with wet hair! I’m assuming the rest of the co-workers are young. I agree with what other people are saying about respect - and wet hair is NOT it!
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Re: How to dress for online meeting?

If I had on-line meetings and I did --- I had virtual classrooms to teach.  When I first came home to work 30 years ago, I was not teaching and we did not have virtual/visual capability.  I dressed comfortably as I would if I were going to the grocery store.  I had to be my own computer tech, my own secretary and that meant a lot of getting down in the floor with cords, unplugging and plugging, sending, etc. 


It was not as easy as it became. I had to turn the fax on and off and check it.  I had to load my own printer, shambles that it may have been back then with dark carbon getting everywhere and on my clothes.  So, no.  I dressed in something that I did not mind getting dirty on the floor if I had to sit down and work on cords, something I did not mind getting black carbon from the printer all over.  I am a pragmatist and I am not going to ruin the few good nice clothes I have in such a situation.


We had in-house meetings once a month and I dressed for them as I did when I was working in-house but to think it is professional to ruin nice clothes when you are trying to do the best job you can, is not practical.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How to dress for online meeting?

I would dress as if I was going into work.  I cannot image being on a video chat, especially for work with wet hair and my pj's...very unprofessional.


I am still working but it's just DH and I in our office (as it has always been).  We rarely get a customer thru the door but I always dress nicely.