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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

[ Edited ]

We don't have any walk-in closets in our house. I've joked about using our guest room that shares a wall with our bedroom as a closet. Or we could knock out the wall and make a larger space for both of us. But that's our only guest bedroom, and we need it for visitors. Our other spare room is a reading and music room. We have 2 chairs, bookshelves, a stereo, and my guitar in there.


I used to have 3 of those portable assemble yourself closets in my basement many years ago. I downsized my wardrobe considerably since then. Everything I own is in one closet and a couple of dressers now. I would still love to have a larger closet and dressing area though. Just a dream of mine. 

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

I turned one of my bedrooms into a mini warehouse for mostly food and toiletries but not clothing. The clothing gets removed from my house if it doesn't fit into the spaces I have for it. My rule is 'one in, one out' and that way I don't need the extra space.

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

@Junebug54 ha, this is what I SHOULD do! 


I have done some purging but obviously not enough. 

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

My whole house is turning into a closet.  Clothes everywhere.  This house was built as a retirement cabin, I guess I never realized how much stuff we owned.  Hope to put on an extra room for storage one of these years.

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

@Annabellethecat66 LOL laughing at you about the coats! My friends say I have a coat for every 5 degrees of temperature change! They are NOT wrong. 


Plus I have an old throw it on because I'm just going into the yard coat. I bought one from QVC - I think it's two years old. The reason it turned into my throw it on coat is because the pockets had that satiny lining in them and putting my keys in and out of my pocket tore them to shreds. That's the 2nd coat from QVC that has done that -- one was a Susan Graver, one was from Denim & Company. Now I check what material is inside the pockets and don't buy if it's not fleece lined.


I suppose I could put a new pocket in the coat but it's not worth it to me.  I'll get one more year out of them and out they go.



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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

[ Edited ]

YES, and don't do it!!!!


It will become like what you see on Hoarders!!!!!!


now  I store stuff I used to store in the basement cause, I can't go to the basement so easily in my old age   Smiley Sad

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

@fancy pantsy wrote:

no i am unable to do that.  i live in a very small condo and each of my small closets is full.   it has long been a dream, though, to have a nice big spare bedroom that i could make into a closet.  i'm pretty sure it will remain a dream. LOL.  good idea, though! 

Thank heavens you have these limitations.  My sister made her spare bedroom into a very well organized closet. She doesn't wear a fraction of the clothes. She has a lot of good stuff, but much of it is outdated, not in a valuable vintage sense.

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

yes. I have thought about it but am just to plain LAZY.

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????

Somewhat, I am ashamed to admit, but yes. LOL!! I have two Oragami Racks. I love those racks.  I keep all of my shoes on one, and on another I have all of my linen's for the bed, and towels that I store on it. 


I love to travel so I have a few sets of luggage so those are also stored in that room.  

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Re: Have You Turned Your "Extra Bedroom" Into A Closet????



Congratulations on all the spaces for what you want !  You are very lucky !

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Sir Winston Churchill