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Well if we are entering the WWII era, Barrow could be trying to get info to blackmail people so that he can send the brown shirts sensitive information.

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On 2/26/2014 toodles11 said:

Well if we are entering the WWII era, Barrow could be trying to get info to blackmail people so that he can send the brown shirts sensitive information.

Hmmmh yes, and remember his black market past ...
( \_/ )
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On 2/26/2014 imaclotheshog said:
On 2/26/2014 KathyPet said:
On 2/26/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

Does ANYONE here know what kind of blackmail (or whatever) that Barrow has on the new maid? She seems pretty intimidated .... but I like that Mr Mosley is giving her strength,

I don't think it was ever made clear exactly what her background is and what hold he has over her.

That is very confusing! Did he know her before she came to Downton, it didn't seem as if they knew each other. It's strange why she's afraid of him, but I hope she tells him where to stick his intimidation and uses some colorful language to let him know she will NOT be his puppet any longer. I am glad Molsley is helping her.

I am tired of his game and I hope someone sets him in his place and FAST. And now he's gone and tattled to Robert about that teacher that was Branson's house guest and insinuated that inappropriateness was going on and now Robert is going to go speak to Branson about it.

I hope Barrow gets what's coming to him. He is a meddlesome little gnat whose snark knows no bounds and is one heck of a nasty little bully.

That's why I love it---the story almost have to go back and watch it again to see why they did what they did...

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So much like "Upstairs, Downstairs"---if you like this, find the DVDs of this good.

Another great old PBS series is "I, Claudius"---fantastic!

I really loved the incorporation of actual history with the Freda/Edward story....

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Registered: ‎10-08-2010
I'm glad I read this thread again because I was trying to think of a contest I wanted to enter and it reminded me it was a PBS contest to go to Selfridge's in London. Don't really enter contests, but this seems like a fun one. Been to Selfridge's once, but would love to go again, especially if it's free, ha, ha.
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I didn't realize it was season finale! bummer! I think Mary should be with Tom (her brother-in-law) I know it's not ""right"" but I think they go together well anyone agree?

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On 2/26/2014 willomenia said:

I didn't realize it was season finale! bummer! I think Mary should be with Tom (her brother-in-law) I know it's not ""right"" but I think they go together well anyone agree?

That's what I said too - she'll end up with Tom.
( \_/ )
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Airline stewardess? They stopped using that term more than 20 years ago. They now call them Flight Attendants.

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I read an article in The Guardian...."PBS will still delay the broadcasts of British hit Downton Abbey....dashing the hopes of fans who had hoped that PBS would air the show at the same time as ITV." It seems that ITV has no objections. It's PBS who prefers the delay, so that they can edit the episodes to fit in pledge drives. Considering that The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which includes PBS, receives app. $445 million annually in federal funding (2012 stat), I think we should skip the pledge drives and be able to watch the show in the fall.!! IMHO

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I don't see how Lady Edith could be talking about ""brown Shirts"" cause Hitler didn't come in until after the stock market crash of 1929. And Hitler about 1930. I do love the clothes they wear on the show