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I'm a senior lady trying to get in better shape to improve my health.  I've already lost 22 pounds with WW, and now I'd like to start swimming again (it's been a long time).  Does anyone have any good swim suit sites that they've used?  I'm looking for a basic one-piece suit for lap swimming at our local Y.  Thanks in advance.

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Congratulations! Land's End makes great swimsuits. I'm not sure how many they have in stock now, but they usually restock in late winter/early spring and have a sale.

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You might want to check out Vermont Country Store.  They have a few styles that are chlorine-resistant, fit well (go one size up from your normal size as they say), are very comfortable, and are designed for exercise.  I have been using one for some time now for pool exercise and am delighted with mine.  Chlorine will wreak havoc over time with a normal suit.  Best of luck to you!  

Valued Contributor
Posts: 873
Registered: ‎07-16-2012

Re: Bathing suit sites....

[ Edited ]

There is a website called swimsuitsforall (not a link).They carry a nice selection of suits in plus sizes and have a sale going on now.

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Another vote for Lands End!

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I recommend as a possibility.  They have a wide variety of swimsuits, but you sort them easily by activity.  They have quite a wide selection of aerobic and lap swimming suits.  The prices are good, too, especially once they go on sale.  


I love Lands' End suits, too.  Their sizing is very consistent and I appreciate that.  

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Posts: 1,595
Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Swim Suits For All -- I've purchased their Kringle chlorine resistant swim suits several times.  They last longer in the chlorine that other brands I've tried.  I've been doing water aerobics for the past 12 years.  They're made by Penbrooke (I think that Vermont Country Store carries them also, but at a much higher price.)

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Bathing suit sites....

[ Edited ]

A lot of swimmers here get theirs at Di*k's Sporting Goods.