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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00



Yea somebody posted it in the shoe forum.

There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00



Thinking of you...

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00

@Bird mama

It fascinates me that pets, birds especially, feel so deeply the loss of one of their "flock."

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00



I was home with Peewee when she passed.  I placed her in her main room so Poppi and Presto could see her to try to understand that she was gone. It felt like someone was removing my heart when Poppi and Presto checked her out curiously.


She passed on a Saturday evening around 7:45 pm (4th of July weekend). I can tell you that this house was completely silent, not a coo or a chirp unitl Monday morning.  I was so scared for the remaining birds, I called in on that Monday and didn't go to work.



There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00

[ Edited ]

@birdmama - cute clogs, those do work for casual Fri. most offices.


Might there be a little sparrow sib for Poppi? Funny picture of Poppi sidling up to her pigeon bro... "Hey Sailor" lol He's like, "You're not my kind sistah."


@gmkb - Take care of yourself.


I'm off to... maybe go to b'fast in a couple hours if they clear the road. My other Saturday ritual. Smiley Happy


Have a blessed week everyone. Enjoy your new buys.


eta - @Bird mama wow, no music in honor of little Peewee's passing. So sad and yet sweet too.


In my faith the writings say that when we (humans) die, we are like birds who've lived in cages all our lives, and at death the cage falls away and we fly free. Heart






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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00

Time for some hibernation with the pusses.  Stay warm, get well (for those who are ill) and enjoy your weekend!

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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00


Getting two for less than the price of 1.


Remember the Nordies boots I ordered last week-- they don't fit right, but these do.

@Bird mama

will look in shoe forum to check out details about Easy Spirit

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00

I'm off too.  Lots of laundry to catch up on.  I didn't do anything at all last weekend and am far behind.  Enjoy your week, everyone.

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Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00

[ Edited ]



Because my home serves as a bird home, bird bed and breakfast, bird rehab and bird hospice, I've witnessed many a bird crossing over the bridge.  


For a few seconds each time, I've felt like a portal has opened and I've felt the presence of something sacred.  The birds I have been with always inhale one more time and then spread their wings out as if they are taking flight.  By the time their wings retract, they are gone.


It's been my honor to be there to witness the transition.  I was so blessed to experience it with Peewee since I was there the day she hatched.  I pray that I am able to do the same with her brother Poppi.


There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
Posts: 50
Registered: ‎01-27-2012

Re: AMS Live Chat, 1/7, 7:00

Have these shoes. Love them. Needed to put the pads that go around your heel in them. Otherwise, they slipped.